Fat Mommas = Fat Kids ?
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2024-06-08 05:19:58 UTC
Study finds maternal obesity in mice increases microRNA levels
in the hypothalamus in offspring, leading to overeating
.. . .
Somehow I doubt it's all *that* simple ...
In times of plenty, many species increase not only
their reproductive rates but also size (including
fatness) to unconsciously "take advantage of the
situation". This continues until famine arrives, then
the big offspring are at a disadvantage. This sort
of picture perhaps describes the emergence of
megafauna, and their decline.
Lets talk about "The
masters tools" and "A mans place at the table".
Um ... let's not - it's irrelevant to this conversation.
However in thus study of mice, the mice are being well-fed so it is
triggering the gene that tells the mice to load up on carbs.
Strictly biology ... "plenty" IS exploited by species.
It is their big chance to multiply/dominate. The last
ice age saw 'mega-fauna' ... many species suddenly got
MUCH larger and spread WIDELY. Even humans seemed to
get a bit "smarter". The genes were programmed to
take advantage of the environment, and DID. This IS
Darwinian logical.

The trend towards physical growth seen in humans over
roughly the last 200 years - once large-scale efficient
agriculture emerged - follows the trend of the mega-fauna.
300 years ago, the 'average man' was SMALL ... barely 65
inches - bad diet, hard life, no med.

Alas, "modern civ" may be unsustainable. TOO many people,
TOO many demands on resources - including food - TOO
finely-balanced supply/demand for all the needed tech
and supplies. It really can, probably will despite best
efforts, all fall down go boom.

This has happened before - I'd especially note the
Bronze-Age collapse of civ and the "dark age" of
post-Roman Europe. While discouraging, the EASTERN
tradition of absolutely absolute dictators/emperors
HAS tended to buffer them from this sort of thing.
"Order"/production WAS maintained - or ELSE !

In any case, 200 years from now, expect those 65 inch
scrawny 'average Joes' once again ... assuming the
"AI"s don't exterminate us all due to simple
inconvenience/efficiency issues.
2024-06-08 05:19:58 UTC
Study finds maternal obesity in mice increases microRNA levels
in the hypothalamus in offspring, leading to overeating
.. . .
Somehow I doubt it's all *that* simple ...
In times of plenty, many species increase not only
their reproductive rates but also size (including
fatness) to unconsciously "take advantage of the
situation". This continues until famine arrives, then
the big offspring are at a disadvantage. This sort
of picture perhaps describes the emergence of
megafauna, and their decline.
Lets talk about "The
masters tools" and "A mans place at the table".
Um ... let's not - it's irrelevant to this conversation.
However in thus study of mice, the mice are being well-fed so it is
triggering the gene that tells the mice to load up on carbs.
Strictly biology ... "plenty" IS exploited by species.
It is their big chance to multiply/dominate. The last
ice age saw 'mega-fauna' ... many species suddenly got
MUCH larger and spread WIDELY. Even humans seemed to
get a bit "smarter". The genes were programmed to
take advantage of the environment, and DID. This IS
Darwinian logical.

The trend towards physical growth seen in humans over
roughly the last 200 years - once large-scale efficient
agriculture emerged - follows the trend of the mega-fauna.
300 years ago, the 'average man' was SMALL ... barely 65
inches - bad diet, hard life, no med.

Alas, "modern civ" may be unsustainable. TOO many people,
TOO many demands on resources - including food - TOO
finely-balanced supply/demand for all the needed tech
and supplies. It really can, probably will despite best
efforts, all fall down go boom.

This has happened before - I'd especially note the
Bronze-Age collapse of civ and the "dark age" of
post-Roman Europe. While discouraging, the EASTERN
tradition of absolutely absolute dictators/emperors
HAS tended to buffer them from this sort of thing.
"Order"/production WAS maintained - or ELSE !

In any case, 200 years from now, expect those 65 inch
scrawny 'average Joes' once again ... assuming the
"AI"s don't exterminate us all due to simple
inconvenience/efficiency issues.
