MTG Says Fauci Should Be JAILED
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2024-06-05 02:31:39 UTC

. . .

MTG is (in)famous for pushing the edge.

However the more you dig in to Fauci, well,
maybe she's kinda RIGHT ...

And he and his buds WERE some of the Mad
Scientists helping the Wuhan lab along ...
something they all HID for years.

Fauci has since revealed that much of
"The Science" we were all compelled to
obey - lest we be Enemies Of Humanity -
were simply MADE UP. The personal/civil
rights of a LOT of people were crushed,
a LOT of jobs/money/sanity went down
the drain. Fauci's "science" was used
to justify all this.

In truth, there WAS NO WAY to cope with Covid,
esp in the first year. The ONLY hope was to
slow it down just a bit so The System would
not be overwhelmed and collapse entirely.
Whether "The Science" actually ACCOMPLISHED
this ... depends on the stats you pick.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-05 04:13:18 UTC
Is Loony-Tunes Lady accusing the good doctor of being in cahoots with the
“Jewish Space Lasers”?
