Look Folks - There is Gonna Be NO Peace Deal in Gaza/West-Bank
(too old to reply)
2024-06-02 06:01:41 UTC
Doesn't matter how you try to slice and dice.

EVERYBODY thinks they're The Righteous here and
are NOT gonna cater/appease/bow to anyone else.
Their only aim will be total destruction of

This is how that part of the world, indeed most
of the world, has operated for 10,000 years.
"US -vs- THEM" ... and nothing in-between.

Sorry, we are NOT gonna change that paradigm.

Better get used to it. Plan accordingly.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-02 07:07:26 UTC
EVERYBODY thinks they're The Righteous here and are NOT gonna
cater/appease/bow to anyone else.
Just a note that Hamas was already able to agree a deal once, so they can
do it again. The big obstacle is the extremist Zionist nutcases who are
threatening to drop Butcher Bibi like a hot potato if he doesn’t keep
slaughtering Palestinians and making their land unliveable. Oh, and the
fact that he doesn’t want to antagonize these nutcases because clinging to
power is more important to him than the good of Israel.
