OT: Judge Judy
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2024-06-11 21:03:31 UTC
In a nearby city there is an intersection that is notorious for
pedestrians stepping out in front of cars. I had to learn to watch out
for them. They will stand by the edge of the sidewalk looking at their
phones and with their backs to the road. Then as a car approaches they
suddenly turn and step out. There should be a bounty on them.
Apparently, Starlink has now provided the Internet to the remotest areas
of the Amazon. Who used to be young male providers, now sit on logs and
stare at porn all day on their new smartphones. The village elders are
Humanity, as a whole, isn't really prepared for today's technology.
And it was all done by some damned do-gooder social justice warrior


"Flora Dutra, a Brazilian activist who works with indigenous tribes, was
instrumental in helping connect the Marubo to the Internet.

She believes anxieties about the Internet are inflated, and asserts that
most tribespeople “wanted and deserved” access to the World Wide Web.

Still, some officials in Brazil have criticized the rollout to the
remote communities, saying special cultures and customs could now be
lost forever.

“This is called ethnocentrism,” Dutra said of such critiques.

“The white man thinking they know what’s best.”


"Flora Is a journalist committed to environmental causes, human rights
and space policies. His passion for these themes led his career to the
search for truth and the defense of urgent issues for society with a
special focus on the Amazon. With an ethical and investigative approach,
Flora has been distinguished for its comprehensive coverage of issues
related to the environment, including biodiversity conservation, climate
change and sustainability. Furthermore, her sensitivity and commitment
to human rights drive her to bring stories from sensitive contexts to
the public sphere promoting positive change. Flora has also been
actively involved in space policy, following technological advances and
investigating social, environmental and political impacts. Your tireless
work has inspired many other activists to get involved in causes that
are important for the future of our planet."

++++That people, that right there is WHITE ETHNO-RACISM lived large!++++

The dumb twat actually ruined an entire tribe almost entirely by
herself, my freaking God!!!!!!
Manasseh's Realm
2024-06-11 21:55:56 UTC
On 11 Jun 2024 20:38:57 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
In a nearby city there is an intersection that is notorious for
pedestrians stepping out in front of cars. I had to learn to watch out
for them. They will stand by the edge of the sidewalk looking at their
phones and with their backs to the road. Then as a car approaches they
suddenly turn and step out. There should be a bounty on them.
Apparently, Starlink has now provided the Internet to the remotest areas
of the Amazon. Who used to be young male providers, now sit on logs and
stare at porn all day on their new smartphones. The village elders are
Next, they'll have an Apple watch!
Check the YT page out on the bimbo who made this happen to them:


Channel details
43 subscribers
17 videos
Joined Jan 27, 2014


Just your run of the mil tatted up, dreadlock haired, anglo Karen trying
to "save the world"...

THIS is the face of the ENEMY!
