Worse Than Biden's Blank Stares? The president may look dazed and confused; his comments are downright nasty.
(too old to reply)
2024-06-21 08:30:42 UTC
Perhaps it’s a shame that so many questions have arisen lately about our
aging president’s appearance and manner at public events. Too little
attention has been paid to his irresponsible remarks. Wednesday marks the
anniversary of Juneteenth, which should be a unifying celebration of a
milestone in American liberty. Unfortunately, just as he did last year, the
president is using it as an opportunity to smear his political opponents.

As for the aspect of Joe Biden’s recent public presentations that has sparked
much discussion, Martin Pengelly reported last week for the Daily Beast:

The White House hit back at Republicans after footage of President Joe
Biden appearing to freeze during a White House Juneteenth event stoked
attacks and renewed claims that at 81, the president is too old for a
second term in office.

In a statement, White House senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates
said Republicans were “falsely claim[ing] someone who never stops moving
in a clip ‘froze’ because they simply weren’t dancing. There are others
in the video doing the same.”

The long motionless moment was followed by other moments at the G7 meeting in
Italy and at a fundraiser back in the U.S. where some thought Mr. Biden
needed to be guided by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and former
President Barack Obama, respectively. Mr. Biden’s defenders said that camera
views that seemed to show him uncertain of where to go in Italy lacked
appropriate perspective and that Mr. Obama was putting a hand on him at the
U.S. fundraiser as a close friend and not because Mr. Biden needed to be
steered off stage.

This week at a Monday White House briefing Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
dismissed videos that appeared to show Mr. Biden needing assistance as
partisan “cheap fakes.” As for the press secretary’s explanation of the
recent Juneteenth celebration, here’s an excerpt of the official transcript
of her discussion with reporters:

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: The President stood there listening to the music,
and he didn’t dance. Excuse me. I did not know not dancing was a
mental — was a — it was a health issue. That is a weird thing to
actually flag when, if you — if you look at the people who were around
him, if th- — you look at the expanded video of the people who were
around him, they were not — they were — there were some folks who were
not dancing either. And that has been fact-checked.

I mean, just because you’re standing up, listening to music, and not
dancing, that is not a health issue.

Q So, the —

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: That is just not a health issue.

Q The majorities of American voters who are telling pollsters
repeatedly for years now that they have serious concerns about this
President’s cognitive fitness are being misled by cheap fake videos?
Is that what you’re telling us?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I’m saying that there have been — in recent weeks,
there have been cheap fake videos that have been fact-check. They’ve
been fact-check — by conservative media as well — to say that these
videos are false. They’re purp- — purposefully being altered.

Q So, he’s fine?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: That is —

Q So, he’s fine?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: That is — look —

Q He’s fine?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: — the President has done more in his three years —
three and a half years as president than most modern-day president in
what he’s been able to deliver. He’s able to do that because he knows
what he’s doing. He knows how to deliver for the American people.

What is really not fine at all is Mr. Biden’s reckless and mean-spirited
habit of pretending that his Republican opponents of today are just as racist
as the Democrats of the 1960s—or even the Democrats of the 1860s. At the
recent Juneteenth concert Mr. Biden said, according to the White House

... There are old ghosts in new garments trying to take us back… taking
away your freedoms; making it harder for Black people to vote or have
your vote counted; closing doors of opportunity; attacking the values
of diversity, equity, and inclusion; if you can believe it, banning
books about Black experiences in America; trying to erase and rewrite

Our history is not just about the past, it’s about our present and our
future. It’s whether that future is a future for all of us, not just
for some of us.

Since the start of his presidency Mr. Biden has pretended that Republican
states passing reasonable laws ensuring that voting is highly accessible and
also secure are akin to the Jim Crow Democrats of his political youth.
Similarly, both Mr. Biden and First Lady Jill Biden define it as book banning
when parents and their elected representatives demand curriculum improvements
in the public schools they fund.

In his recent commencement address at Morehouse College, Mr. Biden suggested
that America is a racist country.

Now Mr. Biden claims in a Juneteenth proclamation that he and others are
“working to secure the right to vote.” It is highly corrosive to our politics
for Mr. Biden to suggest that in 2024 Americans don’t have the right to vote,
or that his political opponents oppose the right to vote.

Let’s hope that at the recent White House event Mr. Biden’s sluggish delivery
made it difficult for him to persuade anyone of his poisonous points.

Let's go Brandon!
J Carlson
2024-06-21 14:49:16 UTC
Perhaps it’s a shame that so many questions have arisen lately about our
aging president’s appearance and manner at public events. Too little
attention has been paid to his irresponsible remarks. Wednesday marks the
anniversary of Juneteenth, which should be a unifying celebration of a
milestone in American liberty.
Fuck off, Nazi troll. You deplore the end of slavery.
