Mannheim Muslim stabbing sums up everything going wrong in the West
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D. Ray
2024-06-05 01:27:45 UTC
From reading the headlines today, the Mannheim stabbing seems like just
another Muslim attack on White Europeans.

But there’s a lot more to this one than meets the eye.

Leaving aside how disgusting it is that violence carried out by Islamic
invaders has become normalised to the point where it barely raises
eyebrows, this latest incident exposes deeper problems, summing up
everything going wrong with the west, and raising questions we must start
to ask and answer if we want to survive.

Video of the knife attack on anti-Islam activist Michael Stürzenberger and
other members of his Pax Europa group in Mannheim, south-west Germany, on
Friday, shows the assailant, reportedly a 25-year-old Afghan immigrant,
plunging his knife into several people before being pulled away from one
man who was stabbed in the leg.

The police, who were presumably nearby to monitor the “far-right” group as
Mr Stürzenberger is known to be under constant surveillance by the domestic
intelligence service, rushed to intervene, but the live-streamed footage
shows a male officer restrain one of the victims instead of the knifeman
while a female cop froze in the background. Another was seen running away.

The male officer who misidentified the threat was then stabbed twice in the
back before another policeman shot the attacker.
NEW – Brutal knife attack on Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger in
Mannheim, Germany. Several people injured, suspect shot. https://t.co/Zyet3Xhuqq
Belgian nationalist Dries Van Langenhove summed up the scene perfectly with
“A police officer is stabbed in the back by a migrant Muslim terrorist as
he restrains a peaceful European nationalist whom he mistook to be the
real threat, as this is what his training and media told him. This image
is a good summary of police and justice departments in Europe.”
At this point the problems and solutions should be obvious, and I won’t
insult the intelligence of the readers of The Noticer by spelling out what
must be done, but here is a list of questions everyone should be asking,
all the time:

- Why are there Muslims in Mannheim?

- Why were the police focused on the peaceful native Germans before and
during the attack?

- Why are nationalists (people who love their countries more than anyone
else) being targeted by their own security services and intelligence

-Why have we tolerated two decades of Islamic terror?

- Why are we supposed to accept immigrant violence?

- Why are our police forces trained to see us as the threat?

- Why are our police forces run by people who hate us?

- Why are there so many female cops?

- Why does the media refuse to cover any of this?

- Why does the media focus on “racism” instead?

- Why are we banned from talking about it?

- How does any of this benefit us?

We all know the answers to these questions, and many more, but what is more
important at the moment is asking them, over and over again. Don’t let
these issues be ignored by the masses who would much prefer not to think
about them.

We are being replaced in our own countries, preyed upon by the foreigners
taking over our towns, loaded with the financial burden of dealing with the
violence and chaos that they bring, and then targeted by the police, the
media and the surveillance state if we speak up about it.

But speak up we must, and the least you can do is ask these questions
whenever you can, as loudly and clearly as you can, because the answers
show us the way.

And if we don’t this will go on and on, and get worse and worse, until we
lose our countries completely and our people go extinct.


Lucas McCain
2024-06-08 15:41:37 UTC
Post by D. Ray
From reading the headlines today, the Mannheim stabbing seems like just
another Muslim attack on White Europeans.
But there’s a lot more to this one than meets the eye.
Leaving aside how disgusting it is that violence carried out by Islamic
invaders has become normalised to the point where it barely raises
eyebrows, this latest incident exposes deeper problems, summing up
everything going wrong with the west, and raising questions we must start
to ask and answer if we want to survive.
Video of the knife attack on anti-Islam activist Michael Stürzenberger and
other members of his Pax Europa group in Mannheim, south-west Germany, on
Friday, shows the assailant, reportedly a 25-year-old Afghan immigrant,
plunging his knife into several people before being pulled away from one
man who was stabbed in the leg.
The police, who were presumably nearby to monitor the “far-right” group as
Mr Stürzenberger is known to be under constant surveillance by the domestic
intelligence service, rushed to intervene, but the live-streamed footage
shows a male officer restrain one of the victims instead of the knifeman
while a female cop froze in the background. Another was seen running away.
The male officer who misidentified the threat was then stabbed twice in the
back before another policeman shot the attacker.
NEW – Brutal knife attack on Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger in
Mannheim, Germany. Several people injured, suspect shot. https://t.co/Zyet3Xhuqq
Belgian nationalist Dries Van Langenhove summed up the scene perfectly with
“A police officer is stabbed in the back by a migrant Muslim terrorist as
he restrains a peaceful European nationalist whom he mistook to be the
real threat, as this is what his training and media told him. This image
is a good summary of police and justice departments in Europe.”
At this point the problems and solutions should be obvious, and I won’t
insult the intelligence of the readers of The Noticer by spelling out what
must be done, but here is a list of questions everyone should be asking,
- Why are there Muslims in Mannheim?
- Why were the police focused on the peaceful native Germans before and
during the attack?
- Why are nationalists (people who love their countries more than anyone
else) being targeted by their own security services and intelligence
-Why have we tolerated two decades of Islamic terror?
- Why are we supposed to accept immigrant violence?
- Why are our police forces trained to see us as the threat?
- Why are our police forces run by people who hate us?
- Why are there so many female cops?
- Why does the media refuse to cover any of this?
- Why does the media focus on “racism” instead?
- Why are we banned from talking about it?
- How does any of this benefit us?
We all know the answers to these questions, and many more, but what is more
important at the moment is asking them, over and over again. Don’t let
these issues be ignored by the masses who would much prefer not to think
about them.
We are being replaced in our own countries, preyed upon by the foreigners
taking over our towns, loaded with the financial burden of dealing with the
violence and chaos that they bring, and then targeted by the police, the
media and the surveillance state if we speak up about it.
But speak up we must, and the least you can do is ask these questions
whenever you can, as loudly and clearly as you can, because the answers
show us the way.
And if we don’t this will go on and on, and get worse and worse, until we
lose our countries completely and our people go extinct.
To paraphrase George Orwell: In times of universal deceit, asking
questions the government deems uncomfortable becomes a revolutionary
act. It's as if the cops sent to "monitor" the "far right" politician
who was stabbed by the Muslim invader are behaving in much the same an
auto-immune disease does in the human body. (Or as spike proteins do.)
They are functioning on behalf of the ruling elite to ensure that the
body politic is unable to defend Germany from the invaders.
You voted for student loan forgiveness. You got demographic replacement
and World War 3.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“Western values mean three things: migration, LGBTQ, and war." Viktor Orban

Nothing is built, back, or better under Resident Brandon.
