Harlan Crow, Clarence Thomas's Sugar Daddy
Add Reply
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-05-18 00:44:30 UTC
| ...
| [Supreme Court Justice Clarence] Thomas is still refusing
| to reveal whether he repaid the principal on the $267,000
| loan that he received from Anthony Welters, a wealthy
| health care executive and personal friend, to purchase his
| R.V. in 1999, according to a letter that Senators Ron Wyden
| and Sheldon Whitehouse have sent to an attorney for Thomas.
| Thomas also has yet to say whether the loan's principal was
| forgiven by the lender, the Democrats argue in the letter,
| which was obtained by The New Republic. If it was forgiven
| all or in part, the senators say, it could constitute "a
| significant amount of taxable income" that should be
| reported on federal tax returns.
| ...

2024-05-18 17:11:01 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| ...
| [Supreme Court Justice Clarence] Thomas is still refusing
| to reveal whether he repaid the principal on the $267,000
| loan that he received from Anthony Welters, a wealthy
| health care executive and personal friend, to purchase his
| R.V. in 1999, according to a letter that Senators Ron Wyden
| and Sheldon Whitehouse have sent to an attorney for Thomas.
| Thomas also has yet to say whether the loan's principal was
| forgiven by the lender, the Democrats argue in the letter,
| which was obtained by The New Republic. If it was forgiven
| all or in part, the senators say, it could constitute "a
| significant amount of taxable income" that should be
| reported on federal tax returns.
| ...
He takes big bribes all the time and he's proud to take them. Says he's
got God-like powers but he can't keep his hand to himself.

If he does this to adult women, imagine what he does around children.

"Hill said on October 11, 1991, in televised hearings that Thomas had
sexually harassed her while he was her supervisor at the Department of
Education and the EEOC.[16] When questioned on why she followed Thomas to
the second job after he had already allegedly harassed her, she said
working in a reputable position within the civil rights field had been her
ambition. The position was appealing enough to inhibit her from going back
into private practice with her previous firm. She said that she only
realized later in her life that the choice had represented poor judgment on
her part, but that "at that time, it appeared that the sexual overtures...
had ended."[4][17]

According to Hill, Thomas asked her out socially many times during her two
years of employment as his assistant,[18] and after she declined his
requests, he used work situations to discuss sexual subjects and push
advances.[4][18] "He spoke about... such matters as women having sex with
animals and films showing group sex or rape scenes," she said, adding that
on several occasions Thomas graphically described "his own sexual prowess"
and the details of his anatomy. Hill also recounted an instance in which
Thomas examined a can of Coke on his desk and asked, "Who has put pubic
hair on my Coke?"[4] During the hearing, Republican Senator Orrin Hatch
implied that "Hill was working in tandem with 'slick lawyers' and interest
groups bent on destroying Thomas's chances to join the court." Thomas said
he had considered Hill a friend whom he had helped at every turn, so when
accusations of harassment came from her they were particularly hurtful and
he said, "I lost the belief that if I did my best, all would work out."[19]

Four female witnesses waited in the wings to support Hill's credibility,
but they were not called,[15][20] due to what the Los Angeles Times
described as a private, compromise deal between Republicans and the Senate
Judiciary Committee chair, Democrat Joe Biden.[21]

Hill agreed to take a polygraph test. While senators and other authorities
observed that polygraph results cannot be relied upon and are inadmissible
in courts, Hill's results did support her statements.[22] Thomas did not
take a polygraph test."
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-07 17:49:17 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| [Supreme Court Justice Clarence] Thomas is still refusing
| to reveal whether he repaid the principal on the $267,000
| loan that he received from Anthony Welters, a wealthy
| health care executive and personal friend, to purchase his
| R.V. in 1999, according to a letter that Senators Ron Wyden
| and Sheldon Whitehouse have sent to an attorney for Thomas.
| Thomas also has yet to say whether the loan's principal was
| forgiven by the lender, the Democrats argue in the letter,
| which was obtained by The New Republic. If it was forgiven
| all or in part, the senators say, it could constitute "a
| significant amount of taxable income" that should be
| reported on federal tax returns.
"Amended" after investigative reporters at Pro Publica
discovered it:
| Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019
| Trips Paid by Harlan Crow
| The justice amended an earlier filing to include vacations
| to Bali and an exclusive California club paid for by the
| Texas billionaire Harlan Crow.
| ...

Siri Cruise
2024-06-07 19:31:41 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| [Supreme Court Justice Clarence] Thomas is still refusing
| to reveal whether he repaid the principal on the $267,000
| loan that he received from Anthony Welters, a wealthy
| health care executive and personal friend, to purchase his
| R.V. in 1999, according to a letter that Senators Ron Wyden
| and Sheldon Whitehouse have sent to an attorney for Thomas.
| Thomas also has yet to say whether the loan's principal was
| forgiven by the lender, the Democrats argue in the letter,
| which was obtained by The New Republic. If it was forgiven
| all or in part, the senators say, it could constitute "a
| significant amount of taxable income" that should be
| reported on federal tax returns.
"Amended" after investigative reporters at Pro Publica
| Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019
| Trips Paid by Harlan Crow
| The justice amended an earlier filing to include vacations
| to Bali and an exclusive California club paid for by the
| Texas billionaire Harlan Crow.
| ...
Merchan donated $35 so he is far more corrupt.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-09 12:57:51 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
"Amended" after investigative reporters at Pro Publica
| Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019
| Trips Paid by Harlan Crow
| The justice amended an earlier filing to include vacations
| to Bali and an exclusive California club paid for by the
| Texas billionaire Harlan Crow.
Thomas has accepted about $4,000,000 in gifts[1]. Abe Fortas
resigned from SCOTUS over $20,000[2].



[2] ($175,000 inflation-adjusted):
Governor Swill
2024-06-09 18:48:35 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
"Amended" after investigative reporters at Pro Publica
| Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019
| Trips Paid by Harlan Crow
| The justice amended an earlier filing to include vacations
| to Bali and an exclusive California club paid for by the
| Texas billionaire Harlan Crow.
Thomas has accepted about $4,000,000 in gifts[1]. Abe Fortas
resigned from SCOTUS over $20,000[2].
$20,000 that he returned. Just the whisper that he'd been offered the money was enough to
sink his court chances.
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
We now have it from the horse's mouth that the Trumps are white supremacists.

Eric at a press conference in New York Wed, May 29, 2024
after his father's guilty verdict was handed down said:

"I cannot wait for the day that we win. We will. We're white. The country knows
that this is nonsense."

(video at link)

Not left, not right, forward. https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-11 19:35:16 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019
| Trips Paid by Harlan Crow
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
| ...
| A new tabulation from Fix the Court shows the 17 justices
| who served on the court between 2004 and 2023 knocked down
| a staggering $4,755,147 in gifts. That's an average of
| nearly $28,000 worth of freebies per justice per year.
| Except it's not. Because a jaw-dropping $4,042,286 of that
| total went into just one pocket. That's right, America's
| biggest fan of Walmart parking lots went home with over
| five times more money than everyone else on the court
| combined. That's not the appearance of corruption. It is
| corruption.
| ...

Blue Lives Matter
2024-06-11 19:39:39 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019
| Trips Paid by Harlan Crow
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
| ...
| A new tabulation from Fix the Court shows the 17 justices
| who served on the court between 2004 and 2023 knocked down
| a staggering $4,755,147 in gifts. That's an average of
| nearly $28,000 worth of freebies per justice per year.
| Except it's not. Because a jaw-dropping $4,042,286 of that
| total went into just one pocket. That's right, America's
| biggest fan of Walmart parking lots went home with over
| five times more money than everyone else on the court
| combined. That's not the appearance of corruption. It is
| corruption.
| ...
<LOL> Dailykos?
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-11 20:02:49 UTC
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019
| Trips Paid by Harlan Crow
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
| ...
| A new tabulation from Fix the Court shows the 17 justices
| who served on the court between 2004 and 2023 knocked down
| a staggering $4,755,147 in gifts. That's an average of
| nearly $28,000 worth of freebies per justice per year.
| Except it's not. Because a jaw-dropping $4,042,286 of that
| total went into just one pocket. That's right, America's
| biggest fan of Walmart parking lots went home with over
| five times more money than everyone else on the court
| combined. That's not the appearance of corruption. It is
| corruption.
| ...
<LOL> Dailykos?
Links to source data. Gold-standard truth.

Blue Lives Matter
2024-06-11 20:15:39 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019
| Trips Paid by Harlan Crow
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
| ...
| A new tabulation from Fix the Court shows the 17 justices
| who served on the court between 2004 and 2023 knocked down
| a staggering $4,755,147 in gifts. That's an average of
| nearly $28,000 worth of freebies per justice per year.
| Except it's not. Because a jaw-dropping $4,042,286 of that
| total went into just one pocket. That's right, America's
| biggest fan of Walmart parking lots went home with over
| five times more money than everyone else on the court
| combined. That's not the appearance of corruption. It is
| corruption.
| ...
<LOL> Dailykos?
Links to source data. Gold-standard truth.
<LOL> From "Fix the Courts?"
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-11 20:32:07 UTC
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
<LOL> From "Fix the Courts?"
Gold-standard truth, bozo. Your deflection with the
infantile <LOL> means you're full of shit.

Blue Lives Matter
2024-06-11 21:08:02 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
<LOL> From "Fix the Courts?"
Gold-standard truth, bozo.
Far left advocacy outfit.

Your deflection with the
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
infantile <LOL> means you're full of shit.
Siri Cruise
2024-06-12 03:27:48 UTC
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
<LOL> From "Fix the Courts?"
Gold-standard truth, bozo.
Far left advocacy outfit.
Thomas hasn't taken millions?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Governor Swill
2024-06-12 04:18:00 UTC
On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 17:08:02 -0400, Blue Lives Matter
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
<LOL> From "Fix the Courts?"
Gold-standard truth, bozo.
Far left advocacy outfit.
Which is posting accurate numbers. Ketani Jackson cut a deal worth nearly a million for a
book advance. Thomas has raked in over $4 mil while on the court. Other justices have
lined their pockets well.

The issue you have is that the bulk of the corruption is occurring on the other side of
the aisle from you.

"I don't like saying the word, "bullshit" in front of these beautiful children so I won't say it. I will not say it."
- Donald Trump in Phoenix, AZ - Thursday, June 6, 2024

Not left, Not right, forward. https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-14 14:11:25 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
Christ on a triscuit! Yet more corruption:
| New documents show unreported trips by Justice Clarence
| Thomas
| Justice Clarence Thomas took three previously unreported
| trips paid for by conservative Texas billionaire Harlan
| Crow, according to documents released by the Senate
| Judiciary Committee
| ...

Mitchell Holman
2024-06-14 17:50:39 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
| New documents show unreported trips by Justice Clarence
| Thomas
| Justice Clarence Thomas took three previously unreported
| trips paid for by conservative Texas billionaire Harlan
| Crow, according to documents released by the Senate
| Judiciary Committee
| ...
Can you imagine the rightwing reaction
if a Justice was getting millions in freebies
from a labor union or the ACLU?
Governor Swill
2024-06-15 05:13:19 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
| New documents show unreported trips by Justice Clarence
| Thomas
| Justice Clarence Thomas took three previously unreported
| trips paid for by conservative Texas billionaire Harlan
| Crow, according to documents released by the Senate
| Judiciary Committee
| ...
Can you imagine the rightwing reaction
if a Justice was getting millions in freebies
from a labor union or the ACLU?
Or George Soros?

"I don't like saying the word, "bullshit" in front of these beautiful children so I won't say it. I will not say it."
- Donald Trump in Phoenix, AZ - Thursday, June 6, 2024

Not left, Not right, forward. https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
2024-06-15 17:50:00 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!
Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!
Looks like sleazynews booted little man ball = next up:


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Governor Swill
2024-06-12 04:14:59 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
<LOL> From "Fix the Courts?"
Gold-standard truth, bozo. Your deflection with the
infantile <LOL> means you're full of shit.
The right is living in an alternate reality created by partisans attempting to take away
from Americans that most basic freedom, the freedom to live their lives as they choose.

Conservatives understand how government works and what it's responsibilities are.

The RINOs on the far right aren't content with that. These neo Nazis want the niggers
back in the fields and the bitches barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. They want to
oppress the Catholics, Jews, Muslims - anybody outside the Abrahamic tradition, as well as
anybody not white or who has no Y chromosome.

"I don't like saying the word, "bullshit" in front of these beautiful children so I won't say it. I will not say it."
- Donald Trump in Phoenix, AZ - Thursday, June 6, 2024

Not left, Not right, forward. https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Governor Swill
2024-06-12 04:06:04 UTC
On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 16:15:39 -0400, Blue Lives Matter
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019
| Trips Paid by Harlan Crow
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
| ...
| A new tabulation from Fix the Court shows the 17 justices
| who served on the court between 2004 and 2023 knocked down
| a staggering $4,755,147 in gifts. That's an average of
| nearly $28,000 worth of freebies per justice per year.
| Except it's not. Because a jaw-dropping $4,042,286 of that
| total went into just one pocket. That's right, America's
| biggest fan of Walmart parking lots went home with over
| five times more money than everyone else on the court
| combined. That's not the appearance of corruption. It is
| corruption.
| ...
<LOL> Dailykos?
Links to source data. Gold-standard truth.
<LOL> From "Fix the Courts?"
Washington Examiner accepts their numbers as accurate. Fix the Courts also made their
donor list public. The Examiner thinks it was inadvertent but the fact is, they did it.

How about AP?

"Justice Clarence Thomas on Friday belatedly acknowledged more travel paid by Republican
megadonor Harlan Crow, while several colleagues reported six-figure payments as part of
book deals."

"Another justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, reported eye-popping numbers, a nearly $900,000
advance for her upcoming memoir, and attention-grabbing gifts, four tickets to a Beyoncé
concert valued at $3,700 from the singer herself. "

The story has grown out of a pro publica investigation. Hardly a partisan mouthpiece,
there are few outlets as dedicated to facts and spin reduction.

"I don't like saying the word, "bullshit" in front of these beautiful children so I won't say it. I will not say it."
- Donald Trump in Phoenix, AZ - Thursday, June 6, 2024

Not left, Not right, forward. https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
J Carlson
2024-06-11 20:32:18 UTC
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019
| Trips Paid by Harlan Crow
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
| ...
| A new tabulation from Fix the Court shows the 17 justices
| who served on the court between 2004 and 2023 knocked down
| a staggering $4,755,147 in gifts. That's an average of
| nearly $28,000 worth of freebies per justice per year.
| Except it's not. Because a jaw-dropping $4,042,286 of that
| total went into just one pocket. That's right, America's
| biggest fan of Walmart parking lots went home with over
| five times more money than everyone else on the court
| combined. That's not the appearance of corruption. It is
| corruption.
| ...
<LOL> Dailykos?
Can you refute anything they wrote? No, of course not.
Governor Swill
2024-06-12 03:51:21 UTC
On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 15:39:39 -0400, Blue Lives Matter
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019
| Trips Paid by Harlan Crow
| Clarence Thomas is far more corrupt than anyone
| knew--including his peers
| ...
| A new tabulation from Fix the Court shows the 17 justices
| who served on the court between 2004 and 2023 knocked down
| a staggering $4,755,147 in gifts. That's an average of
| nearly $28,000 worth of freebies per justice per year.
| Except it's not. Because a jaw-dropping $4,042,286 of that
| total went into just one pocket. That's right, America's
| biggest fan of Walmart parking lots went home with over
| five times more money than everyone else on the court
| combined. That's not the appearance of corruption. It is
| corruption.
| ...
<LOL> Dailykos?
Do you dispute the numbers?

Perhaps they'll make more sense coming from the Washington Examiner.

"Clarence Thomas received far more in gifts in last 20 years than other justices combined:

How about The Hill?
"Supreme Court justices have received nearly $5 million in gifts since the early 2000s,
and one justice in particular, Justice Clarence Thomas, accounts for nearly all of it."

Ground News is worth it's weight in gold.

"I don't like saying the word, "bullshit" in front of these beautiful children so I won't say it. I will not say it."
- Donald Trump in Phoenix, AZ - Thursday, June 6, 2024

Not left, Not right, forward. https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.