Crazy Is In The Saddle And Rides The GOP
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Bradley K. Sherman
2023-05-27 21:33:06 UTC
| Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would be "welcoming" of a
| measure from Congress to defund the Internal Revenue
| Service (IRS) if he's elected president next year.
| ...

2023-05-28 00:59:05 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would be "welcoming" of a
| measure from Congress to defund the Internal Revenue
| Service (IRS) if he's elected president next year.
| ...
looks like he lost some weight.


m alone when hes here, I am
What a dumb-ass thing to say
Plus Im not ashamed
Nobodys here--Kristin Hersh - Some Catch Flies
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-06-06 14:58:01 UTC
You can't make this sh.t up:
| Team DeSantis Can't Run to Trump's Nutball Right and Then
| Get Mad at Us For Noticing
| ...
| Instead, DeSantis's opening salvo was to go at Trump for
| two of the very few good things the former president did:
| The First Step Act, a bipartisan criminal justice reform
| bill, and Operation Warp Speed, which streamlined the
| process for the development of the COVID vaccine.
| ...

| Georgia GOP Chair: I'm Not a Flat-Earther ... But Globes
| Are a Conspiracy
| Kandiss Taylor was widely mocked and parodied for indulging
| Flat Eartherism on her podcast. The election denier isn't
| backing down
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-06-06 21:19:32 UTC
| ...
| This year is starting to feel a lot like 2016, a primary
| field that contains Trump and all the other not-Trump
| candidates. The only difference between this contest and
| 2016 is that other candidates then ran (ostensibly, at
| least) as their own selves and not just lesser versions of
| the OG. Perhaps this is because the current crop of
| candidates have seen polling which shows the GOP base
| continues to struggle with a pronounced case of brain
| worms. They dismiss Trump's critics out of hand and
| election denial runs deep, with 75% in one poll saying that
| Trump actually won the 2020 election. It's possible that
| these 2024 candidates can't figure out how to recon with a
| GOP base existing in a post-truth bubble, and are just
| trying to keep up with an electorate that's completely lost
| its mind.
| ...

Governor Swill
2023-06-07 03:40:59 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| ...
| This year is starting to feel a lot like 2016, a primary
| field that contains Trump and all the other not-Trump
| candidates. The only difference between this contest and
| 2016 is that other candidates then ran (ostensibly, at
| least) as their own selves and not just lesser versions of
| the OG. Perhaps this is because the current crop of
| candidates have seen polling which shows the GOP base
| continues to struggle with a pronounced case of brain
| worms. They dismiss Trump's critics out of hand and
| election denial runs deep, with 75% in one poll saying that
| Trump actually won the 2020 election. It's possible that
| these 2024 candidates can't figure out how to recon with a
| GOP base existing in a post-truth bubble, and are just
| trying to keep up with an electorate that's completely lost
| its mind.
| ...
The GOP is going through a crisis. It'll take a massive landslide loss at all levels for
them to snap out of it.

You know what's more fun than a dead Russian on a Ukrainian

A burning Russian on a Ukrainian battlefield!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-06-23 12:51:13 UTC
You can't make this sh.t up:
| G.O.P. Targets Researchers Who Study Disinformation Ahead
| of 2024 Election
| A legal campaign against universities and think tanks seeks
| to undermine the fight against false claims about
| elections, vaccines and other hot political topics.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-06-29 13:58:40 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| G.O.P. Targets Researchers Who Study Disinformation Ahead
| of 2024 Election
| Fox News' Steve Doocy on GOP Biden investigation: "Make it
| easy for us. What was the crime?"
| House Oversight Chair James Comer [R-KY]: "Well the crime
| is that -- trading policy for money."
| Doocy: "Which policy?"
| Comer: "We're gonna get into that."
| [49-second Fox News video at URL]

Siri Cruise
2023-06-29 15:04:24 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| G.O.P. Targets Researchers Who Study Disinformation Ahead
| of 2024 Election
| Fox News' Steve Doocy on GOP Biden investigation: "Make it
| easy for us. What was the crime?"
| House Oversight Chair James Comer [R-KY]: "Well the crime
| is that -- trading policy for money."
| Doocy: "Which policy?"
| Comer: "We're gonna get into that."
| [49-second Fox News video at URL]
Who is the whistleblower this week?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.O / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Governor Swill
2023-06-29 16:31:39 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| G.O.P. Targets Researchers Who Study Disinformation Ahead
| of 2024 Election
| Fox News' Steve Doocy on GOP Biden investigation: "Make it
| easy for us. What was the crime?"
| House Oversight Chair James Comer [R-KY]: "Well the crime
| is that -- trading policy for money."
| Doocy: "Which policy?"
| Comer: "We're gonna get into that."
| [49-second Fox News video at URL]
Who is the whistleblower this week?
Have they mislaid another one?

Reality is an acquired taste - Matthew Perry

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
2023-06-30 04:24:19 UTC
On Thu, 29 Jun 2023 08:04:24 -0700, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| G.O.P. Targets Researchers Who Study Disinformation Ahead
| of 2024 Election
| Fox News' Steve Doocy on GOP Biden investigation: "Make it
| easy for us. What was the crime?"
| House Oversight Chair James Comer [R-KY]: "Well the crime
| is that -- trading policy for money."
| Doocy: "Which policy?"
| Comer: "We're gonna get into that."
| [49-second Fox News video at URL]
Who is the whistleblower this week?
Have they mislaid another one?
I've got the Hunter Biden laptop right here and it contains naked pictures of
Trump and DeSantis getting it on.

No wonder the nazis are concerned.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-07-14 22:22:27 UTC
| Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake must pay a
| $122,200 sanctions penalty together with her attorney Alan
| Dershowitz and fellow far-right candidate Mark Finchem for
| pursuing a "frivolous" lawsuit seeking to overturn her 2022
| midterm defeat, according to a federal judge's order issued
| Friday.
| ...

Governor Swill
2023-07-14 22:57:05 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake must pay a
| $122,200 sanctions penalty together with her attorney Alan
| Dershowitz and fellow far-right candidate Mark Finchem for
| pursuing a "frivolous" lawsuit seeking to overturn her 2022
| midterm defeat, according to a federal judge's order issued
| Friday.
| ...
Get it in cash.

"All Night Long" - Lionel Ritchie


Bradley K. Sherman
2023-07-16 14:30:00 UTC
| The Brevard County Republican Executive voted by a
| supermajority this week to call upon Florida Gov. Ron
| DeSantis to ban sale and distribution of Covid "and all
| related vaccines" in the state, Florida Today reported.
| ...

Governor Swill
2023-07-16 18:27:20 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| The Brevard County Republican Executive voted by a
| supermajority this week to call upon Florida Gov. Ron
| DeSantis to ban sale and distribution of Covid "and all
| related vaccines" in the state, Florida Today reported.
| ...
Insane. That's what it is. Insane.

Republican snowflakes care more about public urination and gas stoves than national security
or the number one killer of children.


Send money!

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-07-18 15:22:34 UTC
| ...
| GOP senators are saying they're being increasingly
| confronted by constituents who buy into discredited
| conspiracy theories such as the claim that Democrats stole
| the 2020 presidential election or that federal agents
| incited the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.
| ...
| "We should be concerned about this as Republicans. I'm
| having more 'rational Republicans' coming up to me and
| saying, 'I just don't know how long I can stay in this
| party,'" said Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). "Now our
| party is becoming known as a group of kind of extremist,
| populist over-the-top [people] where no one is taking us
| seriously anymore.
| ...

Lou Bricano
2023-07-18 16:00:53 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| ...
| GOP senators are saying they're being increasingly
| confronted by constituents who buy into discredited
| conspiracy theories such as the claim that Democrats stole
| the 2020 presidential election or that federal agents
| incited the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.
| ...
| "We should be concerned about this as Republicans. I'm
| having more 'rational Republicans' coming up to me and
| saying, 'I just don't know how long I can stay in this
| party,'" said Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). "Now our
| party is becoming known as a group of kind of extremist,
| populist over-the-top [people] where no one is taking us
| seriously anymore.
| ...
"Becoming" known? No, bullshit. The Republiscum/QAnon *is* and *has been*
known as the party of unhinged lunacy over a dozen years. The process was
complete when the fucking "Tea Party" lunatics took over.
2023-07-21 04:07:46 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake must pay a
| $122,200 sanctions penalty together with her attorney Alan
| Dershowitz and fellow far-right candidate Mark Finchem for
| pursuing a "frivolous" lawsuit seeking to overturn her 2022
| midterm defeat, according to a federal judge's order issued
| Friday.
| ...
Get it in cash.
TrumpBucks not acceptable...
2023-07-21 04:36:37 UTC
Post by Gronk
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake must pay a
| $122,200 sanctions penalty together with her attorney Alan
| Dershowitz and fellow far-right candidate Mark Finchem for
| pursuing a "frivolous" lawsuit seeking to overturn her 2022
| midterm defeat, according to a federal judge's order issued
| Friday.
| ...
Get it in cash.
TrumpBucks not acceptable...
But "collectable" !!! Get yours now ! :-)
2023-07-21 04:38:58 UTC
Post by Gronk
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake must pay a
| $122,200 sanctions penalty together with her attorney Alan
| Dershowitz and fellow far-right candidate Mark Finchem for
| pursuing a "frivolous" lawsuit seeking to overturn her 2022
| midterm defeat, according to a federal judge's order issued
| Friday.
| ...
Get it in cash.
TrumpBucks not acceptable...
  But "collectable" !!! Get yours now !  :-)
Dang, good angle - in a few years collectors will pay big for them!
2023-07-21 04:52:28 UTC
Post by Gronk
Post by Gronk
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake must pay a
| $122,200 sanctions penalty together with her attorney Alan
| Dershowitz and fellow far-right candidate Mark Finchem for
| pursuing a "frivolous" lawsuit seeking to overturn her 2022
| midterm defeat, according to a federal judge's order issued
| Friday.
| ...
Get it in cash.
TrumpBucks not acceptable...
   But "collectable" !!! Get yours now !  :-)
Dang, good angle - in a few years collectors will pay big for them!
Better than GOLD !!!
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-07-23 02:23:44 UTC
| DeSantis doubles down on claim that some Blacks benefited
| from slavery
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-08-05 12:19:20 UTC
| Democrats are drastically overperforming in 2023's special
| elections.
| ...
| "Republicans have not had a good election night since
| before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. And,
| honestly, it seems like post-Roe Republicans couldn't find
| their groove even if a DJ played their favorite song on
| repeat," Nuckels said. "So I think Democrats are in a very
| good position here going forward."
| ...

Mitchell Holman
2023-08-05 13:26:22 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Democrats are drastically overperforming in 2023's special
| elections.
| ...
| "Republicans have not had a good election night since
| before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. And,
| honestly, it seems like post-Roe Republicans couldn't find
| their groove even if a DJ played their favorite song on
| repeat," Nuckels said. "So I think Democrats are in a very
| good position here going forward."
| ...
Biden is the most uninspiring Democrat in
years but everyone prefers him over Trump.
2023-08-06 13:34:46 UTC
On Sat, 05 Aug 2023 13:26:22 +0000, Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Democrats are drastically overperforming in 2023's special
| elections.
| ...
| "Republicans have not had a good election night since
| before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. And,
| honestly, it seems like post-Roe Republicans couldn't find
| their groove even if a DJ played their favorite song on
| repeat," Nuckels said. "So I think Democrats are in a very
| good position here going forward."
| ...
Biden is the most uninspiring Democrat in
years but everyone prefers him over Trump.
Apparently Mitchie hasn't checked polls.


So much for "everyone"...
2023-08-06 13:33:17 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Democrats are drastically overperforming in 2023's special
| elections.
| ...
| "Republicans have not had a good election night since
| before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. And,
| honestly, it seems like post-Roe Republicans couldn't find
| their groove even if a DJ played their favorite song on
| repeat," Nuckels said. "So I think Democrats are in a very
| good position here going forward."
| ...
And yet the Republicans took the house after R v W was tossed into the
dustbin as it should have been. So ABC news start with a lie.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-08-06 13:44:29 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Democrats are drastically overperforming in 2023's special
| elections.
| ...
| "Republicans have not had a good election night since
| before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. And,
| honestly, it seems like post-Roe Republicans couldn't find
| their groove even if a DJ played their favorite song on
| repeat," Nuckels said. "So I think Democrats are in a very
| good position here going forward."
| ...
And yet the Republicans took the house after R v W was tossed into the
dustbin as it should have been. So ABC news start with a lie.
Wrong again, Kremlin Girl!
| How bad the 2022 election was for the GOP, historically
| speaking
| ...
| As we've emphasized many times, midterms are almost always
| good for the party that doesn't control the White House.
| But this one has clearly not been -- in multiple ways.
| Republicans will still likely grab a narrow majority in the
| House, but it also seems likely they will fail to gain
| seats at every other major level. They'll apparently lose
| modest ground at both the gubernatorial and state
| legislative levels.
| ...

2023-08-07 11:01:54 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Democrats are drastically overperforming in 2023's special
| elections.
| ...
| "Republicans have not had a good election night since
| before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. And,
| honestly, it seems like post-Roe Republicans couldn't find
| their groove even if a DJ played their favorite song on
| repeat," Nuckels said. "So I think Democrats are in a very
| good position here going forward."
| ...
And yet the Republicans took the house after R v W was tossed into the
dustbin as it should have been. So ABC news start with a lie.
Wrong again, Kremlin Girl!
You mean the Republicans didn't take the House after RvW was
overturned? Do tell...
2023-08-08 11:04:57 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Democrats are drastically overperforming in 2023's special
| elections.
| ...
| "Republicans have not had a good election night since
| before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. And,
| honestly, it seems like post-Roe Republicans couldn't find
| their groove even if a DJ played their favorite song on
| repeat," Nuckels said. "So I think Democrats are in a very
| good position here going forward."
| ...
And yet the Republicans took the house after R v W was tossed into the
dustbin as it should have been. So ABC news start with a lie.
Wrong again, Kremlin Girl!
You mean the Republicans didn't take the House after RvW was
overturned? Do tell...
And Bradley the propagandist has vanished.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-08-21 11:31:38 UTC
| A federal indictment and one in Georgia charging Donald
| Trump with lying about the 2020 election to overturn
| President Joe Biden's win have done nothing to slow the
| geyser of election falsehoods flowing from the former
| president and his supporters.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-08-29 10:53:52 UTC
| The Michigan Republican Party is starving for cash. A group
| of prominent activists -- including a former statewide
| candidate -- was hit this month with felony charges
| connected to a bizarre plot to hijack election machines.
| And in the face of these troubles, suspicion and infighting
| have been running high. A recent state committee meeting
| led to a fistfight, a spinal injury and a pair of shattered
| dentures.
| This turmoil is one measure of the way Donald J. Trump's
| lies about the 2020 election have rippled through his party.
| ...

Governor Swill
2023-08-29 15:38:24 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| The Michigan Republican Party is starving for cash. A group
| of prominent activists -- including a former statewide
| candidate -- was hit this month with felony charges
| connected to a bizarre plot to hijack election machines.
| And in the face of these troubles, suspicion and infighting
| have been running high. A recent state committee meeting
| led to a fistfight, a spinal injury and a pair of shattered
| dentures.
| This turmoil is one measure of the way Donald J. Trump's
| lies about the 2020 election have rippled through his party.
| ...
"Michigan GOP fight left official with broken dentures, bruised ribs: police report"


"Michigan Republican Party's bank accounts down to $93K, recording reveals"

Yeah . . . that's gonna help win the '24 election.

MAGA: My Ass Got Arrested

GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-08-30 20:37:14 UTC
| ...
| Mr. Ramaswamy's pattern of falsehoods has been the subject
| of intensifying scrutiny by the news media and, more
| recently, his G.O.P. opponents, who clashed with him often
| during the party's first debate last Wednesday.
| There are layers to Mr. Ramaswamy's distortions: He has
| spread lies and exaggerations on subjects including the
| 2020 election results, the Jan. 6 attacks on the Capitol
| and climate change. When challenged on those statements,
| Mr. Ramaswamy, a biotech entrepreneur who is the first
| millennial Republican to run for president, has in several
| instances claimed that he had never made them or that he
| had been taken out of context.
| But his denials have repeatedly been refuted by recordings
| and transcripts from Mr. Ramaswamy's interviews -- or, in
| some cases, excerpts from his own book.
| ...

Governor Swill
2023-08-30 23:39:45 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| ...
| Mr. Ramaswamy's pattern of falsehoods has been the subject
| of intensifying scrutiny by the news media and, more
| recently, his G.O.P. opponents, who clashed with him often
| during the party's first debate last Wednesday.
| There are layers to Mr. Ramaswamy's distortions: He has
| spread lies and exaggerations on subjects including the
| 2020 election results, the Jan. 6 attacks on the Capitol
| and climate change. When challenged on those statements,
| Mr. Ramaswamy, a biotech entrepreneur who is the first
| millennial Republican to run for president, has in several
| instances claimed that he had never made them or that he
| had been taken out of context.
| But his denials have repeatedly been refuted by recordings
| and transcripts from Mr. Ramaswamy's interviews -- or, in
| some cases, excerpts from his own book.
| ...
Of course he lies. He's running as a Republican. Republicans used to value honor and
integrity. Not anymore.

MAGA: My Ass Got Arrested

GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Siri Cruise
2023-08-31 02:22:24 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| ...
| Mr. Ramaswamy's pattern of falsehoods has been the subject
| of intensifying scrutiny by the news media and, more
| recently, his G.O.P. opponents, who clashed with him often
| during the party's first debate last Wednesday.
| There are layers to Mr. Ramaswamy's distortions: He has
| spread lies and exaggerations on subjects including the
| 2020 election results, the Jan. 6 attacks on the Capitol
| and climate change. When challenged on those statements,
| Mr. Ramaswamy, a biotech entrepreneur who is the first
| millennial Republican to run for president, has in several
| instances claimed that he had never made them or that he
| had been taken out of context.
| But his denials have repeatedly been refuted by recordings
| and transcripts from Mr. Ramaswamy's interviews -- or, in
| some cases, excerpts from his own book.
| ...
He is the very model of a modern Magoo politician.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.O / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-09-13 12:27:25 UTC
| U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert [R-CO] was escorted out of a
| Sunday night performance of the "Beetlejuice" musical in
| downtown Denver, accused by venue officials of vaping,
| singing, recording and "causing a disturbance" during the
| performance.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-09-20 15:06:12 UTC
| A prominent New York Republican congressman Tuesday trashed
| fellow GOP lawmakers as clowns and "lunatics" as a new
| round of bitter infighting killed the latest effort to
| avert a government shutdown.
| Rep. Mike Lawler angrily lashed out at far right-wing
| colleagues in the fractious GOP caucus after House Speaker
| Kevin McCarthy was forced to pull the plug on a stopgap
| funding measure.
| "This is stupidity. It's a clown show," said Lawler, who
| faces a tricky reelection fight in his Westchester
| County-based district next year. "You keep running
| lunatics. You're going to be in this position."
| ...

Governor Swill
2023-09-21 04:54:02 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| A prominent New York Republican congressman Tuesday trashed
| fellow GOP lawmakers as clowns and "lunatics" as a new
| round of bitter infighting killed the latest effort to
| avert a government shutdown.
| Rep. Mike Lawler angrily lashed out at far right-wing
| colleagues in the fractious GOP caucus after House Speaker
| Kevin McCarthy was forced to pull the plug on a stopgap
| funding measure.
| "This is stupidity. It's a clown show," said Lawler, who
| faces a tricky reelection fight in his Westchester
| County-based district next year. "You keep running
| lunatics. You're going to be in this position."
| ...
Republicans continue to prove they don't care about America, national security or our
troops. They care only about their own power.

Tuberville's hold on military promotion continues despite the Democrats using a workaround
to get new Chiefs confirmed.


White racists, hate Lincoln, no longer support race rights, no longer reject slavery,
love violence, hate love, fake christians . . . the hard right are the real RINOS.

Dead Nazi Series II: No, no, no, Antifa - <https://tinyurl.com/5bphwcnj>

GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-09-21 13:09:20 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| "This is stupidity. It's a clown show," said Lawler, who
| faces a tricky reelection fight in his Westchester
| County-based district next year. "You keep running
| lunatics. You're going to be in this position."
Speaking of Republican lunatics:
| ...
| "We always get the blame," said Rep. Mike Simpson
| (R-Idaho), a senior appropriator. "Name one time that we've
| shut the government down and we haven't got the blame."
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-09-21 18:26:14 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| "This is stupidity. It's a clown show," said Lawler, who
| faces a tricky reelection fight in his Westchester
| County-based district next year. "You keep running
| lunatics. You're going to be in this position."
| "We always get the blame," said Rep. Mike Simpson
| (R-Idaho), a senior appropriator. "Name one time that we've
| shut the government down and we haven't got the blame."
| Kevin McCarthy [R-CA] on House Republicans voting down
| their own defense bill for the second time:
| "This is a whole new concept of individuals that just want
| to burn the whole place down. That doesn't work."
| [15-second CNN video at URL]

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-09-23 13:09:02 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Kevin McCarthy [R-CA] on House Republicans voting down
| "This is a whole new concept of individuals that just want
| to burn the whole place down. That doesn't work."
| ...
| They are eager to impeach the president and even oust their
| own speaker if he doesn't accede to their every demand.
| They have refused to allow their own party to debate a
| Pentagon spending bill or approve routine military
| promotions -- a striking posture given that unflinching
| support for the armed forces has long been a bedrock of
| Republican orthodoxy.
| Defying the G.O.P.'s longstanding reputation as the party
| of law and order, they have pledged to handcuff the F.B.I.
| and throttle the Justice Department. Members of the party
| of Ronald Reagan refused to meet with a wartime ally,
| President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, this week when he
| visited the Capitol and want to eliminate assistance to his
| country, a democratic nation under siege from an autocratic
| aggressor.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-09-24 13:39:23 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Kevin McCarthy [R-CA] on House Republicans voting down
| "This is a whole new concept of individuals that just want
| to burn the whole place down. That doesn't work."
| Rep. Garret Graves, one of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's
| closest allies, told CNN that he's fed up with conservative
| critics dangling the threat of McCarthy's ouster, saying
| that he's prepared to put the debate to rest by forcing a
| vote on the threat.
| ...
| The Louisiana Republican also came down on the right-wing
| hardliners who have tanked GOP efforts to pass a stopgap
| funding bill to provide more time to finish the House's
| appropriations bills for the next fiscal year.
| "It's a huge concern that I have," Graves said.
| ...

2023-09-24 15:06:39 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Kevin McCarthy [R-CA] on House Republicans voting down
| "This is a whole new concept of individuals that just want
| to burn the whole place down. That doesn't work."
| Rep. Garret Graves, one of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's
| closest allies, told CNN that he's fed up with conservative
| critics dangling the threat of McCarthy's ouster, saying
| that he's prepared to put the debate to rest by forcing a
| vote on the threat.
| ...
| The Louisiana Republican also came down on the right-wing
| hardliners who have tanked GOP efforts to pass a stopgap
| funding bill to provide more time to finish the House's
| appropriations bills for the next fiscal year.
| "It's a huge concern that I have," Graves said.
| ...
Nothing crazy about this at all. Some Republicans would like a
change. If there are enough of them it will happen. So much for your
BS hype.
2023-09-25 11:17:19 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Kevin McCarthy [R-CA] on House Republicans voting down
| "This is a whole new concept of individuals that just want
| to burn the whole place down. That doesn't work."
| Rep. Garret Graves, one of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's
| closest allies, told CNN that he's fed up with conservative
| critics dangling the threat of McCarthy's ouster, saying
| that he's prepared to put the debate to rest by forcing a
| vote on the threat.
| ...
| The Louisiana Republican also came down on the right-wing
| hardliners who have tanked GOP efforts to pass a stopgap
| funding bill to provide more time to finish the House's
| appropriations bills for the next fiscal year.
| "It's a huge concern that I have," Graves said.
| ...
Nothing crazy about this at all. Some Republicans would like a
change. If there are enough of them it will happen. So much for your
BS hype.
Once again, Bradley is unable to respond to basic logic.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-09-25 12:34:59 UTC
| Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, vented frustration at his
| Republican colleagues who are opposing a stopgap proposal
| to avert a government shutdown cobbled together by the
| conservative House Freedom Caucus and the more pragmatic
| Main Street Caucus.
| "If a Republican opposes a 30-day, 8% cut to the
| non-defense, non-veteran federal government with the best
| border security bill we've ever had attached to it, I
| honestly don't know what to say to my fellow Republicans
| other than you're gonna eat a shit sandwich, and you
| probably deserve to eat it," Roy told Fox News Digital on
| Wednesday.
| I'm an equal opportunity basher of stupid, and I think this
| is stupid."
| ...

Governor Swill
2023-09-25 18:42:16 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, vented frustration at his
| Republican colleagues who are opposing a stopgap proposal
| to avert a government shutdown cobbled together by the
| conservative House Freedom Caucus and the more pragmatic
| Main Street Caucus.
| "If a Republican opposes a 30-day, 8% cut to the
| non-defense, non-veteran federal government with the best
| border security bill we've ever had attached to it, I
| honestly don't know what to say to my fellow Republicans
| other than you're gonna eat a shit sandwich, and you
| probably deserve to eat it," Roy told Fox News Digital on
| Wednesday.
| I'm an equal opportunity basher of stupid, and I think this
| is stupid."
| ...
ROTFL! Watching the GOP disintegrate.

We're all Americans every day.

Governor Swill
2023-09-26 17:22:10 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, vented frustration at his
| Republican colleagues who are opposing a stopgap proposal
| to avert a government shutdown cobbled together by the
| conservative House Freedom Caucus and the more pragmatic
| Main Street Caucus.
| "If a Republican opposes a 30-day, 8% cut to the
| non-defense, non-veteran federal government with the best
| border security bill we've ever had attached to it, I
| honestly don't know what to say to my fellow Republicans
| other than you're gonna eat a shit sandwich, and you
| probably deserve to eat it," Roy told Fox News Digital on
| Wednesday.
| I'm an equal opportunity basher of stupid, and I think this
| is stupid."
| ...
ROTFL! Watching the GOP disintegrate.
I have to wonder if Trump wasn't a Dem plant to do exactly this.

White racists, hate Lincoln, no longer support race rights, no longer reject slavery,
love violence, hate love, fake christians . . . the hard right are the *real* RINOS.

Dead Nazi Series II: No, no, no, Antifa - <https://tinyurl.com/5bphwcnj>

GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-09-29 12:27:27 UTC
| Amid GOP confusion, U.S. braces for 'first-ever shutdown
| about nothing'
| ...

Jewish Space Laser Lady and Silicone Handy Lady are running the GOP.

Siri Cruise
2023-09-29 15:08:20 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Amid GOP confusion, U.S. braces for 'first-ever shutdown
| about nothing'
| ...
Jewish Space Laser Lady and Silicone Handy Lady are running the GOP.
The joke is republicans who say they are mad can join with
democrats and run the House. If republicans really want adult
supervision can have it. Unless they're lying.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.O / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-09-30 21:55:39 UTC
"We're tired of fucking around with these whack jobs""
| ...
| "There was an outcry from rank-and-file that want a
| [continuing resolution]. We're tired of fucking around with
| these whack jobs. They voted against it yesterday, so let's
| just put up a clean CR," said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.),
| among those who had repeatedly pushed for the speaker to
| ignore his right flank.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-01 14:38:29 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| "There was an outcry from rank-and-file that want a
| [continuing resolution]. We're tired of fucking around with
| these whack jobs. They voted against it yesterday, so let's
| just put up a clean CR," said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.),
| among those who had repeatedly pushed for the speaker to
| ignore his right flank.
| Rep. Jason Smith [R-MO] points out on Fox News that Gaetz
| yells at House Republicans for working with Democrats, but
| at the same time wants to work with Dems to remove McCarthy
| [36-second video at URL]

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-01 21:16:48 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| "There was an outcry from rank-and-file that want a
| [continuing resolution]. We're tired of fucking around with
| these whack jobs. They voted against it yesterday, so let's
| just put up a clean CR," said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.),
| among those who had repeatedly pushed for the speaker to
| ignore his right flank.
| Rep. Jason Smith [R-MO] points out on Fox News that Gaetz
| yells at House Republicans for working with Democrats, but
| at the same time wants to work with Dems to remove McCarthy
Newt Gingrich [R-GA] is back, and he's pissed:
| Is Gaetz secretly an agent for the Democratic Party? No one
| else is doing as much to undermine, weaken and cripple the
| House GOP

Governor Swill
2023-10-01 22:23:27 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| "There was an outcry from rank-and-file that want a
| [continuing resolution]. We're tired of fucking around with
| these whack jobs. They voted against it yesterday, so let's
| just put up a clean CR," said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.),
| among those who had repeatedly pushed for the speaker to
| ignore his right flank.
| Rep. Jason Smith [R-MO] points out on Fox News that Gaetz
| yells at House Republicans for working with Democrats, but
| at the same time wants to work with Dems to remove McCarthy
| Is Gaetz secretly an agent for the Democratic Party? No one
| else is doing as much to undermine, weaken and cripple the
| House GOP
. . . except Donald Trump.

Republicans are white racists, hate Lincoln, no longer support race rights,
no longer reject slavery, love violence, hate love, fake christians,
hate children . . . the hard right are the *real* RINOS.

Dead Nazi Series II: No, no, no, Antifa - <https://tinyurl.com/5bphwcnj>

GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-02 12:37:25 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| "There was an outcry from rank-and-file that want a
| [continuing resolution]. We're tired of fucking around with
| these whack jobs. They voted against it yesterday, so let's
| just put up a clean CR," said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.),
| among those who had repeatedly pushed for the speaker to
| ignore his right flank.
| Rep. Jason Smith [R-MO] points out on Fox News that Gaetz
| yells at House Republicans for working with Democrats, but
| at the same time wants to work with Dems to remove McCarthy
| Is Gaetz secretly an agent for the Democratic Party? No one
| else is doing as much to undermine, weaken and cripple the
| House GOP
RWEC Godzilla Mark Levin never left, but he's pissed, too:
| As I explained over and over last week, Matt Gaetz and the
| 4 other clowns undermined the Freedom Caucus and all
| conservatives when they sabotaged an 8 percent cut in
| Domestic spending and strong border control measures. They
| rant and rave without a plan and without a real objective
| and now we get this 45 day CR. THEY did this. And
| predictably, they desperately blame everyone else.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-03 21:43:57 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| "There was an outcry from rank-and-file that want a
| [continuing resolution]. We're tired of fucking around with
| these whack jobs. They voted against it yesterday, so let's
| just put up a clean CR," said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.),
| among those who had repeatedly pushed for the speaker to
| ignore his right flank.
| Newt Gingrich: Republicans must expel Matt Gaetz
| ...

Siri Cruise
2023-10-03 22:26:13 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| "There was an outcry from rank-and-file that want a
| [continuing resolution]. We're tired of fucking around with
| these whack jobs. They voted against it yesterday, so let's
| just put up a clean CR," said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.),
| among those who had repeatedly pushed for the speaker to
| ignore his right flank.
| Newt Gingrich: Republicans must expel Matt Gaetz
| ...
Matt Gaetz delenda est.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.O / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-04 15:15:18 UTC
Gingrich does not like Republicans who are like him:
| Gingrich: They are traitors, all eight of them should be primaried
| [42-second Fox News video at URL]

Bonus: Whackadoodle Trump think his trial for civil fraud is
"the start of Communism right here in America!":

Governor Swill
2023-10-04 15:51:02 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Gingrich: They are traitors, all eight of them should be primaried
| [42-second Fox News video at URL]
Bonus: Whackadoodle Trump think his trial for civil fraud is

The Republican Party is the chosen Party of racists and neo Nazis.
Extreme rightists hate Lincoln, don't support race rights,
don't reject slavery, love violence, hate love and children and are fake christians,
The hard right are the *real* RINOS.

Not left, not right, forward. https://www.forwardparty.com/

GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-04 22:05:58 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Gingrich: They are traitors, all eight of them should be primaried
Congressman Garret Graves [R-LA] interviewed on CNN by Jake Tapper:
| ...
| Tapper: "Do you agree with Congressman McHenry's
| decision... to put a pause to let tensions settle?" the
| host asked.
| Graves: "Jake, I'll be really candid," Graves responded. "I
| think if we had stayed together in the meeting last night,
| I think that you would've seen fists thrown. And I'm not
| being dramatic when I say that. There is a lot of raw
| emotions right now."
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-11 20:16:42 UTC
| Rep. Ken Buck [R-CO] on MSNBC on why Jordan and Scalise won't
| affirm that the 2020 election wasn't stolen: "There's a
| large group of Trump followers in this country that would
| disagree with that and there would be a political penalty
| for saying such a thing."
| [19-second video at URL]

Mr. B1ack
2023-10-11 20:22:55 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Rep. Ken Buck [R-CO] on MSNBC on why Jordan and Scalise won't
| affirm that the 2020 election wasn't stolen: "There's a
| large group of Trump followers in this country that would
| disagree with that and there would be a political penalty
| for saying such a thing."
| [19-second video at URL]
I have said for several years now that Republiscums/QAnon blabber about "stolen
election" *not* because they believe it, but only to prove their right-wingnut
Republiscum/QAnon bona fides. They *have* to say it; they're politically dead if
they don't. But they don't believe it. Even Hartung doesn't believe it.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-13 11:47:36 UTC
| The House GOP sinks deeper into chaos
| ...

| Troy Nehls R-Texas walked out of the GOP conference meeting
| saying there has been no progress on naming a speaker.
| "We are a broken conference."
| ...

| Mike Kelly R-Pa likened the situation to a football team
| calling a play in the huddle, lining up in formation, and
| then never snapping the ball because nobody listened to the
| QB.
| "This is the worst team I've ever been on," he said.

| Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) says "our adversaries are
| watching" as the GOP struggles to elect a new Speaker:
| "I see a lot of threats out there, but one of the biggest
| threats I see is in that room because we can't unify as a
| conference and put a Speaker in the chair to govern."
| [68-second video at URL]

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-13 16:28:11 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| The House GOP sinks deeper into chaos
| Rep. Mike Lawler [R-NY] on the status of the GOP conference
| as they emerged from their closed door meeting with no path
| in sight to pick a leader:
| "The French have a word for it.. clusterfuck".

| 1) "It's a shit show in there."
| Those were the words of one exasperated House Republican
| leaving this morning's conclave of the House Republican
| Conference. Lawmakers are still struggling to elect a
| Speaker.

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-14 11:35:15 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| The House GOP sinks deeper into chaos
| "The French have a word for it.. clusterfuck".
| 1) "It's a shit show in there."
Election-denier and whackjob Jim Jordan (R-OH) won the most recent
Republican Conference nomination for Speaker by a vote of 124-81.
Austin Scott (R-GA) got the 81 votes, even though he was not running
and said he did not want the job.

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-16 13:39:25 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| The House GOP sinks deeper into chaos
| "The French have a word for it.. clusterfuck".
| 1) "It's a shit show in there."
Election-denier and whackjob Jim Jordan (R-OH), won the most recent
Republican Conference nomination for Speaker by a vote of 124-81.
Austin Scott (R-GA) got the 81 votes, even though he was not running
and said he did not want the job.
| Senators return to Washington this week feeling completely
| flummoxed by the turmoil in the House and with no clear
| idea of whether House Republicans will elect a Speaker
| anytime soon.
| Republican senators have called on their House colleagues
| to unify behind a Speaker as quickly as possible, but that
| plea has fallen flat.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-17 12:40:00 UTC
Today's GOP clown-nominee for Speaker of the House is Jim
Jordan (R-OH).

Jordan has been in Congress for 14 years and has sponsored
and passed 0 bills: zero, none, nada, zilch.

He has, however, collected over $2,000,000 in pay from the
U.S. Treasury.

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-20 12:26:46 UTC
| ...
| As I watch all of this Republican infighting, I wonder, as
| I often do, about GOP voters. What is it that they think
| will happen if Jim Jordan becomes speaker? Jordan has been
| in Congress for 16 years, and he has almost nothing to show
| for it. He's never originated any successful legislation,
| never whipped votes, never accomplished anything except for
| appearing on Fox and serving up rancid red meat to his Ohio
| constituents and MAGA allies.
| And therefore, as speaker, he would ... what? Order up more
| impeachments, perhaps of Biden-administration officials?
| Shut down the government? Pound the gavel and prattle on
| for hours in his never-take-a-breath style? (Jordan's the
| kind of guy who probably would have interrupted the Sermon
| on the Mount.) Perhaps from a position of greater power, he
| could more effectively assist Donald Trump in undermining
| yet another election in 2024.
| Maybe that's why Trump endorsed him for speaker.
| Is that what Republican voters really want?
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-20 18:43:00 UTC
| Jordan Loses Secret Ballot to Remain G.O.P. Nominee for
| Speaker
| The House plunged further into chaos after Republicans
| voted to drop Representative Jim Jordan as their nominee
| for the speakership. Jordan on Friday was unable once again
| to win over opponents who have denied him this week.
| ...

Homer Stille Cummings
2023-10-20 18:52:35 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Jordan Loses Secret Ballot to Remain G.O.P. Nominee for
| Speaker
| The House plunged further into chaos after Republicans
| voted to drop Representative Jim Jordan as their nominee
| for the speakership. Jordan on Friday was unable once again
| to win over opponents who have denied him this week.
Over and over again, the Republiscums/QAnon prove they are not only unfit to
govern, but unfit to be in government *at all*.
Siri Cruise
2023-10-20 21:51:57 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Jordan Loses Secret Ballot to Remain G.O.P. Nominee for
| Speaker
| The House plunged further into chaos after Republicans
| voted to drop Representative Jim Jordan as their nominee
| for the speakership. Jordan on Friday was unable once again
| to win over opponents who have denied him this week.
| ...
How long are democrats going to be allowed to do this?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.1 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Governor Swill
2023-10-20 23:32:22 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Jordan Loses Secret Ballot to Remain G.O.P. Nominee for
| Speaker
| The House plunged further into chaos after Republicans
| voted to drop Representative Jim Jordan as their nominee
| for the speakership. Jordan on Friday was unable once again
| to win over opponents who have denied him this week.
| ...
How long are democrats going to be allowed to do this?
It's their fault for losing a dozen House elections last year.

Democrats make me feel ashamed of being American.
Republicans make me feel ashamed of being human.


Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-21 12:22:07 UTC
Only some?
| As Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) waged his battle to become
| House speaker, some House Republicans were uncomfortable
| with the possibility of having an election denier occupying
| the most powerful legislative seat in the U.S. government
| heading into a presidential election year.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-21 16:43:38 UTC
| Matt Gaetz [R-FL] Tore the House GOP Apart. He Isn't Sorry.
| ...

Siri Cruise
2023-10-21 19:05:54 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Matt Gaetz [R-FL] Tore the House GOP Apart. He Isn't Sorry.
| ...
Magoos can't run the House the same reason they still deny the
election result. They're political nihilists who cannot understand
people disagree with them. They're whining little brats in grownup
bodies. Severe failure to launch.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.1 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Governor Swill
2023-10-21 20:49:30 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Matt Gaetz [R-FL] Tore the House GOP Apart. He Isn't Sorry.
| ...
Magoos can't run the House the same reason they still deny the
election result. They're political nihilists who cannot understand
people disagree with them. They're whining little brats in grownup
bodies. Severe failure to launch.
They'd prefer to live in a burned down house that one with a leaky roof.

Democrats make me feel ashamed of being American.
Republicans make me feel ashamed of being human.


Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-25 00:23:01 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Matt Gaetz [R-FL] Tore the House GOP Apart. He Isn't Sorry.
| "It's a dumpster fire, frankly," said Rep. Bill
| Huizenga (R-MI) as he left the GOP speaker vote.
| BREAKING -- TOM EMMER has dropped out of the race for
| speaker.
Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss:
| ...
| Amid the impasse, McCarthy is floating a plan that would
| reinstall him as speaker and make Jordan, a conservative
| Trump ally, the assistant speaker, according to three
| sources familiar with McCarthy's pitch.
| Asked why the idea -- which lacks key details, like how it
| would be enacted and whether it could even gain enough
| traction to happen -- was being floated now, a GOP lawmaker
| replied: "We're desperate."
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-10-29 15:12:10 UTC
New Speaker of the House, whackadoodle extreme theocrat Mike Johnson,
has scrubbed his website:

But his anti-American lunacy lives on:

Siri Cruise
2023-10-29 17:11:39 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
New Speaker of the House, whackadoodle extreme theocrat Mike Johnson,
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.1 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Phil Omdahl
2023-10-29 18:29:07 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
New Speaker of the House, whackadoodle extreme theocrat Mike Johnson,
I never saw it previously. What did he scrub from it?
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
I see at that page that Johnson claims to be a "constitutional law" expert.
Well, so does the indicted John Eastman, and the *confessed* felon Jenna Ellis.
Siri Cruise
2023-10-29 20:32:38 UTC
Post by Phil Omdahl
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
New Speaker of the House, whackadoodle extreme theocrat Mike
I never saw it previously. What did he scrub from it?
I never saw it before, but when I tried, it was vapourised. Then I
found it with the Wayback Machine. Don't tell the idiot
politicians about internet archives. They'll outlaw them.
Post by Phil Omdahl
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
I see at that page that Johnson claims to be a "constitutional
law" expert. Well, so does the indicted John Eastman, and the
*confessed* felon Jenna Ellis
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.1 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-11-03 13:30:03 UTC
| ...
| "If Donald Trump can summon the balls to show up to the
| debate, I'll wear a boot on my head," DeSantis told
| Newsmax's Eric Bolling after weeks of speculation that he
| wears lifts in his boots to appear taller.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-11-04 13:20:04 UTC
| Lauren Boebert Wants 'Mercy.' Some Republicans Want an
| Alternative.
| The "Beetlejuice" incident continues to haunt the
| once-unrepentant congresswoman from Colorado. The state's
| old guard is lining up behind a primary challenger.
| ...
| The episode has proved surprisingly sticky for Ms. Boebert,
| a politician who more than almost any other has embodied
| the gleefully provocative, no-apologies politics of the
| party's right wing in the Biden era.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-11-06 14:52:32 UTC
| Mike Johnson [R-LA] Admits He and His Son Monitor Each
| Other's Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video
| "I'm proud to tell ya, my son has got a clean slate,"
| Speaker of the House says of his "accountability partner"
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-11-08 15:14:17 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Mike Johnson [R-LA] Admits He and His Son Monitor Each
| Other's Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video
| House Speaker Mike Johnson was once the dean of a Christian
| law school. It never opened its doors
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-11-09 13:14:10 UTC
| Texans who perform abortions now face up to life in prison,
| $100,000 fine
| ...

| ...
| Steven Law, the president of the Mitch McConnell-aligned
| Senate Leadership Fund, sounded the alarm on Fox News that
| Democrats have blitzed the airwaves with "unrelenting
| advertising" to falsely accuse Republicans of "supporting
| no abortion access whatsoever."
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-11-10 20:19:46 UTC
| Inside Mike Johnson's Ties to a Far-Right Movement to Gut
| the Constitution
| The new House speaker has longstanding ties to the
| evangelical inspired Convention of States cause.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-11-14 15:58:14 UTC
| Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus took an
| official position against the two-tiered stopgap funding
| bill aimed at averting a government shutdown just hours
| before it is set to come to the floor for a vote on
| Tuesday.
| New Speaker Mike Johnson [R-LA] met with the group of
| conservative hardliners on Monday evening in hopes of
| selling the bill to skeptics. The group isn't pleased with
| the legislation, but doesn't plan to try to oust Johnson
| over the move.
| ...

2023-11-15 12:12:42 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus took an
| official position against the two-tiered stopgap funding
| bill aimed at averting a government shutdown just hours
| before it is set to come to the floor for a vote on
| Tuesday.
| New Speaker Mike Johnson [R-LA] met with the group of
| conservative hardliners on Monday evening in hopes of
| selling the bill to skeptics. The group isn't pleased with
| the legislation, but doesn't plan to try to oust Johnson
| over the move.
| ...
Silly us expecting that our representatives advocate stopping the
gravy train.
Siri Cruise
2023-11-15 15:36:57 UTC
Post by NoBody
Silly us expecting that our representatives advocate stopping the
gravy train.
Why does a majority have to advocate? They decide. They are the
majority. The minority has to accept the decision.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.1 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-11-15 22:58:56 UTC
When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the
flag and carrying a cross:
| ...
| [Speaker of the House Mike] Johnson [R-LA] may not know
| Sheets personally, but they have deep ties to a network of
| religious leaders who have advocated to end or weaken the
| separation of church and state, and for Christianity to
| play a more dominant role governing society. Taken to its
| extreme -- as it was by some adherents on Jan. 6 -- it
| embraces anti-democratic means to achieve their end.
| Johnson's rapid elevation to the height of power in
| Washington gives allies of this movement -- who also boast
| close ties with presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump --
| direct lines to leaders of the Republican Party.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-11-16 11:37:54 UTC
| Same clown car with a different driver': House GOP goes off
| the rails
| The House GOP has descended, as one member put it, into
| "schoolyard bully bullshit."
| Republicans cannot agree on basic policy priorities or even
| fund the government without a majority of Democratic votes.
| Individual lawmakers are going rogue on the House floor
| with theatrical efforts to censure colleagues and impeach
| members of the Biden administration. A growing number of
| lawmakers are choosing to retire because they feel it's
| impossible to get anything done.
| ...

2023-11-16 12:24:13 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Same clown car with a different driver': House GOP goes off
| the rails
| The House GOP has descended, as one member put it, into
| "schoolyard bully bullshit."
| Republicans cannot agree on basic policy priorities or even
| fund the government without a majority of Democratic votes.
| Individual lawmakers are going rogue on the House floor
| with theatrical efforts to censure colleagues and impeach
| members of the Biden administration. A growing number of
| lawmakers are choosing to retire because they feel it's
| impossible to get anything done.
| ...
Shockingly the "one member" is not identified....
Bradley K. Sherman
2023-11-16 13:01:51 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Same clown car with a different driver': House GOP goes off
| the rails
| The House GOP has descended, as one member put it, into
| "schoolyard bully bullshit."
| Republicans cannot agree on basic policy priorities or even
| fund the government without a majority of Democratic votes.
| Individual lawmakers are going rogue on the House floor
| with theatrical efforts to censure colleagues and impeach
| members of the Biden administration. A growing number of
| lawmakers are choosing to retire because they feel it's
| impossible to get anything done.
Shockingly the "one member" is not identified....
| ...
| Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.), who compared Republicans'
| infighting to grade school bullying, said Johnson was doing
| his best with the party's slim margins, but the party is
| still a mess.
| ...


2023-11-16 12:23:40 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the
| ...
| [Speaker of the House Mike] Johnson [R-LA] may not know
| Sheets personally, but they have deep ties to a network of
| religious leaders who have advocated to end or weaken the
| separation of church and state, and for Christianity to
| play a more dominant role governing society. Taken to its
| extreme -- as it was by some adherents on Jan. 6 -- it
| embraces anti-democratic means to achieve their end.
| Johnson's rapid elevation to the height of power in
| Washington gives allies of this movement -- who also boast
| close ties with presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump --
| direct lines to leaders of the Republican Party.
| ...
Oh look, Bradley is now demonizing people of religious persuasion.
Love the editorializing of npr by trying to associate religion with
Jan 6. How about the BLM crowd, they ignored them?
2023-11-16 12:21:45 UTC
On Wed, 15 Nov 2023 07:36:57 -0800, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by NoBody
Silly us expecting that our representatives advocate stopping the
gravy train.
Why does a majority have to advocate? They decide. They are the
majority. The minority has to accept the decision.
OR the minority can stop sitting in the corner with their thumbs in
their mouths and be part of the solution.

I'm sure it never occured to you.
2023-11-15 05:44:38 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Mike Johnson [R-LA] Admits He and His Son Monitor Each
| Other's Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video
| House Speaker Mike Johnson was once the dean of a Christian
| law school. It never opened its doors
| ...
Sounds like fraud...
Governor Swill
2023-10-21 20:48:03 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Matt Gaetz [R-FL] Tore the House GOP Apart. He Isn't Sorry.
| ...
Back in the sixties, groups like SNCC and the Chicago Seven were decried by the
"establishment" as wanting to burn the house down rather than repair it. That's exactly
what Gaetz and the rest of the so called "Freedom Caucus" have in mind. They don't want
to fix government, they want to destroy it.

Democrats make me feel ashamed of being American.
Republicans make me feel ashamed of being human.


Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Governor Swill
2023-10-21 20:44:49 UTC
On Sat, 21 Oct 2023 12:22:07 -0000 (UTC), ***@panix.com (Bradley K. Sherman) wrote:

Rightists deny people on there side of the aisle are using violence enact their political

Here's an example.
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Only some?
| As Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) waged his battle to become
| House speaker, some House Republicans were uncomfortable
| with the possibility of having an election denier occupying
| the most powerful legislative seat in the U.S. government
| heading into a presidential election year.
| ...
The right continues to threaten violence against democracy.

"Many fault lines have materialized in the House GOP conference since Rep. Kevin McCarthy
(R-Calif.) was ousted as speaker earlier this month, and four of Jordan’s detractors were
also among those who objected to certifying that Biden won the 2020 election. But the
majority of them voted to certify Biden’s victory, including Buck, and Reps. Vern Buchanan
(R-Fla.), Drew Ferguson (R-Ga.), Don Bacon (R-Neb.), Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), John
Rutherford (R-Fla.) and others.

"These lawmakers have been the target of credible violent threats and threatening phone
calls, which some investigators and lawyers who served on the House select committee
investigating the Jan. 6 attack view as an extension of some of the tactics employed to
activate rioters who stormed the Capitol. The threats, which only hardened opposition to
Jordan, included unnerving calls to staffers, spouses and family members. Some members
took extra security precautions, including Rep. Drew Ferguson (R-Ga.), who requested a
sheriff be stationed at his daughter’s school."

This WAPO reporting is confirmed:

"COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL) — A West Georgia congressman is at the center of the storm as the
Republicans struggle to elect a new Speaker of the House.

Rep. Drew Ferguson of The Rock says he can’t support Rep. Jim Jordan because of the
bullying tactics Jordan and his allies are using.

Ferguson spoke exclusively with WRBL Thursday afternoon shortly after leaving a meeting
with Jordan and other Republican representatives. He confirmed that he has reported death
threats to the Capitol Police and he and his family have law enforcement protection."

Democrats make me feel ashamed of being American.
Republicans make me feel ashamed of being human.


Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Governor Swill
2023-10-01 22:22:34 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| "There was an outcry from rank-and-file that want a
| [continuing resolution]. We're tired of fucking around with
| these whack jobs. They voted against it yesterday, so let's
| just put up a clean CR," said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.),
| among those who had repeatedly pushed for the speaker to
| ignore his right flank.
| Rep. Jason Smith [R-MO] points out on Fox News that Gaetz
| yells at House Republicans for working with Democrats, but
| at the same time wants to work with Dems to remove McCarthy
| [36-second video at URL]
Hypocrisy, r-e-p-u-b-l-i-c-a-n, hypocrisy.

Republicans are white racists, hate Lincoln, no longer support race rights,
no longer reject slavery, love violence, hate love, fake christians,
hate children . . . the hard right are the *real* RINOS.

Dead Nazi Series II: No, no, no, Antifa - <https://tinyurl.com/5bphwcnj>

GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Governor Swill
2023-09-30 00:37:34 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Amid GOP confusion, U.S. braces for 'first-ever shutdown
| about nothing'
| ...
Jewish Space Laser Lady and Silicone Handy Lady are running the GOP.
The House GOP doesn't have a plan or even any specific demands.

"“We are truly heading for the first-ever shutdown about nothing,” said Michael Strain,
director of economic policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, a right-leaning
think tank. Strain has started referring to the current GOP House-led impasse as “the
‘Seinfeld’ shutdown,” a reference to the popular sitcom widely known as “a show about
nothing.” “The weirdest thing about it is that the Republicans don’t have any demands.
What do they want? What is it that they’re going to shut the government down for? We
simply don’t know.”"

They're just throwing bombs in an attempt to wreck the system, but all they're going to
wreck is their own party.

Republicans are white racists, hate Lincoln, no longer support race rights,
no longer reject slavery, love violence, hate love, fake christians,
hate children . . . the hard right are the *real* RINOS.

Dead Nazi Series II: No, no, no, Antifa - <https://tinyurl.com/5bphwcnj>

GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Governor Swill
2023-06-29 15:50:17 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| G.O.P. Targets Researchers Who Study Disinformation Ahead
| of 2024 Election
| Fox News' Steve Doocy on GOP Biden investigation: "Make it
| easy for us. What was the crime?"
| House Oversight Chair James Comer [R-KY]: "Well the crime
| is that -- trading policy for money."
| Doocy: "Which policy?"
| Comer: "We're gonna get into that."
| [49-second Fox News video at URL]
Another nothing burger.

Reality is an acquired taste - Matthew Perry

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.