NOT Trying To Solve Problems ?
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2024-06-06 04:10:44 UTC
Ran into an odd movie - "Ready Player One", set about
50 years in the future - where a bit of the intro
dialogue says that people just stopped trying to
solve the problems and simply concentrated on
outliving them.

Have we kinda REACHED that point ??? With a massive
global society, The Problems are just TOO large and
broad and divisive to fix to everyone's satisfaction.

Perhaps just some version of 'hunkering down' and
weathering all the fallout IS the most adaptive ?
Whatever it is, it's TOO big and complicated for
YOU to have any real influence - so is it so insane
to just stop trying and let the proverbial chips
fall where they may ?

Yea, a kinda depressing anti-heroic POV ...
but this ain't Sumeria anymore, not Camelot.
The world has become just too BIG for The People
to even understand what's going on and why, much
less create good solutions. Even our "leaders"
are mostly just going with the flow.
2024-06-12 04:50:57 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Ran into an odd movie - "Ready Player One", set about
50 years in the future - where a bit of the intro
dialogue says that people just stopped trying to
solve the problems and simply concentrated on
outliving them.
Have we kinda REACHED that point ??? With a massive
global society, The Problems are just TOO large and
broad and divisive to fix to everyone's satisfaction.
Perhaps just some version of 'hunkering down' and
weathering all the fallout IS the most adaptive ?
Whatever it is, it's TOO big and complicated for
YOU to have any real influence - so is it so insane
to just stop trying and let the proverbial chips
fall where they may ?
Yea, a kinda depressing anti-heroic POV ...
but this ain't Sumeria anymore, not Camelot.
The world has become just too BIG for The People
to even understand what's going on and why, much
less create good solutions. Even our "leaders"
are mostly just going with the flow.
Well here is the deal.
All the problems are solvable. Give me a problem and I will give you a
quick solution we all could agree upon. I am not kidding.
Um no ... all problems are NOT solvable because they
embody diametrically exclusive logic/goals.

Human goals are NOT logical, they are EMOTIVE,
oft down to the personal level. Alexander wanted
to rule the world, JUST BECAUSE. Rome wanted to
rule the world - JUST BECAUSE. Napoleon wanted
to rule the world - JUST BECAUSE. So did Hitler
and Stalin and Mao ... and now ISIS/al-Queda,
Xi and Putin (and Biden and friends "wouldn't
mind") .......

If it was easy, we'd have had eternal peace since
the dawn of Sumeria, before they put walls around
their cities. That affair of things didn't last
very long.

Read some Gilgamesh ... the logic was that if
you wanted something you TOOK it, and destroyed
any and all between you and the goal. That story
was writ about 6000 years ago. That's how humans
operate. Treaties and compromises and sharing -
they only last until one sees an opening, an

Consider our sub-species cousins. They did not
just "die out". They were IN OUR WAY, they were
killed them all. Their disappearance follows
the expansion of sapiens sapiens. Now they only
exist as the "trolls" and "ogres" from the Old

Sorry, but it IS that harsh. We are NOT a
peaceable species on any scale. Even the
mildest nerd has the potential/dream within
to be Master Of All. Most are wise enough
to resist that call, but it only takes ONE.

Evolving/adapative treaties/compromises and
interdependencies ... they are our best hope
for SOME measures of peace. That which is
writ in stone will shatter. Even writ on
rubber, such peace will not last forever ...

The problem is that our "clubs" can now lay
waste out to the horizon and beyond.

I apologize for ruining your day.
John Doe
2024-06-12 14:46:05 UTC
  > Ran into an odd movie - "Ready Player One", set about
  > 50 years in the future - where a bit of the intro
  > dialogue says that people just stopped trying to
  > solve the problems and simply concentrated on
  > outliving them.
  > Have we kinda REACHED that point ??? With a massive
  > global society, The Problems are just TOO large and
  > broad and divisive to fix to everyone's satisfaction.
  > Perhaps just some version of 'hunkering down' and
  > weathering all the fallout IS the most adaptive ?
  > Whatever it is, it's TOO big and complicated for
  > YOU to have any real influence - so is it so insane
  > to just stop trying and let the proverbial chips
  > fall where they may ?
  > Yea, a kinda depressing anti-heroic POV ...
  > but this ain't Sumeria anymore, not Camelot.
  > The world has become just too BIG for The People
  > to even understand what's going on and why, much
  > less create good solutions. Even our "leaders"
  > are mostly just going with the flow.
Well here is the deal.
All the problems are solvable. Give me a problem and I will give you a
quick solution we all could agree upon. I am not kidding.
  Um no ... all problems are NOT solvable because they
  embody diametrically exclusive logic/goals.
  Human goals are NOT logical, they are EMOTIVE,
  oft down to the personal level. Alexander wanted
  to rule the world, JUST BECAUSE. Rome wanted to
  rule the world - JUST BECAUSE. Napoleon wanted
  to rule the world - JUST BECAUSE. So did Hitler
  and Stalin and Mao ... and now ISIS/al-Queda,
  Xi and Putin (and Biden and friends "wouldn't
  mind") .......
  If it was easy, we'd have had eternal peace since
  the dawn of Sumeria, before they put walls around
  their cities. That affair of things didn't last
  very long.
  Read some Gilgamesh ... the logic was that if
  you wanted something you TOOK it, and destroyed
  any and all between you and the goal. That story
  was writ about 6000 years ago. That's how humans
  operate. Treaties and compromises and sharing -
  they only last until one sees an opening, an
  Consider our sub-species cousins. They did not
  just "die out". They were IN OUR WAY, they were
  killed them all. Their disappearance follows
  the expansion of sapiens sapiens. Now they only
  exist as the "trolls" and "ogres" from the Old
  Sorry, but it IS that harsh. We are NOT a
  peaceable species on any scale. Even the
  mildest nerd has the potential/dream within
  to be Master Of All. Most are wise enough
  to resist that call, but it only takes ONE.
  Evolving/adapative treaties/compromises and
  interdependencies ... they are our best hope
  for SOME measures of peace. That which is
  writ in stone will shatter. Even writ on
  rubber, such peace will not last forever ...
  The problem is that our "clubs" can now lay
  waste out to the horizon and beyond.
  I apologize for ruining your day.
My short-form summary is that virtually all technical problems can be
solved. Humanity's problem is that too many unqualified but highly
motivated people have the intense feeling they know the best path.