Hitler Youth, Trump-Style
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Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-20 18:34:14 UTC
| Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
| Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
| Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
| ...

2024-06-20 22:41:18 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
| Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
| Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
| ...
Bad apples exist everywhere.
As for Hitler type tactics you had better look towards Biden, the demoncrats and his administration
for that.

1. Control the media. The laptop censorship.
2. False propaganda, IOW discredit the opponent. ie: Trump wants to be a dictator.
3. Spy on rivals. The Russian dossier which Hillary paid for.
4 Elect a puppet who can be manipulated by the rich and powerful.
5. Think for the people. ie: the videos you are seeing are fake.
6. Keep telling the people that all things are great, the economy for example.


I could go on for pages.

You might wish to look up Josef Goebbels.
Joe Biden is the absolute WORST President Of the U.S. ever.
Nobody else is even close. Including Jimmy Carter.
Vote for ANYBODY but Joe Biden in 2024.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-20 22:49:24 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
| Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
| Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
Right TeaPotDome. It's most troubling. It's possible
that some here don't understand the meaning of "Christian
Nationalism", so here's an explainer:
| ...
| Simply put, Christian nationalism--an ideology that
| idealizes and advocates a fusion of Christianity* with
| American civic belonging and participation--is a form of
| nascent or proto-fascism. Not full-blown fascism (yet), but
| a complex of ostensibly-religious ideologies, identities,
| and values that could potentially lead toward fascism given
| the right recipe of resources, political opportunities, and
| a population acclimated to its underlying ideals.
| ...

Mitchell Holman
2024-06-21 01:36:56 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
| Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
| Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
| ...
Bad apples exist everywhere.
As for Hitler type tactics you had better look towards Biden, the
demoncrats and his administration for that.
1. Control the media. The laptop censorship.
By the Trump
Post by pothead
2. False propaganda, IOW discredit the opponent.
Which you do about Biden in every post.
Post by pothead
ie: Trump wants to be
a dictator.
Trump SAID he wanted to be a dictator!

3. Spy on rivals. The Russian dossier which Hillary paid
Post by pothead
for. 4 Elect a puppet who can be manipulated by the rich and powerful.
The party headed by a billionaire complains
about "the rich and powerful". Oh, the irony.
Post by pothead
5. Think for the people. ie: the videos you are seeing are fake.
"Just remember, what you are seeing and what
you are reading is not what's happening. Just
stick with us, don't believe the crap you see
from these people, the fake news."
Donald Trump, Jul 24, 2018
Post by pothead
6. Keep telling the people that all things are great, the economy for example.
Fox hosts forced to grudgingly admit economy booming under Biden

Fox News host gives gushing defence of Biden economy
2024-06-21 23:39:13 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
| Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
| Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
| ...
Taxpayers have been funding left-wing terrorist monsters to "teach"
children for how many decades now?
2024-06-22 00:19:04 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
| Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
| Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
| ...
Taxpayers have been funding left-wing terrorist monsters to "teach"
children for how many decades now?
But the right has no problem taking money from taxpayers for vouchers
so they can put their kids in private schools.

And "taxpayer-funded schools" is the first thing out of their mouths
when they try to defend the 10 Commandments in public school classrooms.

Pay for your own kids' private school or homeschooling education, then
you can put the 10 Commandments on display on an 8-foot flatscreen. Or
choose whatever books you want in the school library.

Quit dicking around with public schools in areas you have no business
in to enforce some Christian Nationalist agenda on everyone else.
2024-06-22 02:57:42 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
| Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
| Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
| ...
Taxpayers have been funding left-wing terrorist monsters to "teach"
children for how many decades now?
But the right has no problem taking money from taxpayers for vouchers so they
can put their kids in private schools.
See my complaint above.
And "taxpayer-funded schools" is the first thing out of their mouths when they
try to defend the 10 Commandments in public school classrooms.
Pay for your own kids' private school or homeschooling education, then you can
put the 10 Commandments on display on an 8-foot flatscreen. Or choose whatever
books you want in the school library.
Quit dicking around with public schools in areas you have no business in to
enforce some Christian Nationalist agenda on everyone else.
So when do we get our property tax refunds?
2024-06-22 06:11:21 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by super70s
Post by Anonymous
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
| Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
| Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
| ...
Taxpayers have been funding left-wing terrorist monsters to "teach"
children for how many decades now?
But the right has no problem taking money from taxpayers for vouchers
so they can put their kids in private schools.
See my complaint above.
Post by super70s
And "taxpayer-funded schools" is the first thing out of their mouths
when they try to defend the 10 Commandments in public school classrooms.
I've always advocated for "Ethics" - maybe days
of classes or even an ENTIRE class sometime around
age 11. Alas, to the further left, "ethics" sounds
like "religion" - esp their hated Christianity and
its 'commandments'. Ethics is NOT 'religion', but
politically that doesn't matter.

The "10 Commandments" CAN be largely viewed as
a set of good, wise, ethical precepts. The
downside is that that particular list IS
associated with a particular religion. As
such mandatory posting of such IS an act of
'theocracy' instead of 'wisdom'.

Hey, I'm old enough to remember when the schools
were basically RIGHT-wing ... the Cold War days.
There were plenty of Commandments and morning
prayers and pledges and anti-commie propaganda.
The anti-commie stuff was righteous, but the
rest was 'theocracy' more or less.

I never said pledges or prayers. Wasn't obnoxious
about it, so no problems.

Note that humans are decidedly prone to swinging
from one political extreme to another - barely
any middle-ground/sanity to be found. Nothing
remotely new about this.
Post by Anonymous
Post by super70s
Pay for your own kids' private school or homeschooling education, then
you can put the 10 Commandments on display on an 8-foot flatscreen. Or
choose whatever books you want in the school library.
Quit dicking around with public schools in areas you have no business
in to enforce some Christian Nationalist agenda on everyone else.
So when do we get our property tax refunds?
NEVER !!! :-)
2024-06-23 02:21:09 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by super70s
Post by Anonymous
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
| Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
| Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
| ...
Taxpayers have been funding left-wing terrorist monsters to "teach"
children for how many decades now?
But the right has no problem taking money from taxpayers for vouchers
so they can put their kids in private schools.
See my complaint above.
Post by super70s
And "taxpayer-funded schools" is the first thing out of their mouths
when they try to defend the 10 Commandments in public school classrooms.
  I've always advocated for "Ethics" - maybe days
  of classes or even an ENTIRE class sometime around
Don't waste your time on ethics. Learn Chess instead.
2024-06-23 03:49:38 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by super70s
Post by Anonymous
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
| Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
| Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
| ...
Taxpayers have been funding left-wing terrorist monsters to "teach"
children for how many decades now?
But the right has no problem taking money from taxpayers for
vouchers so they can put their kids in private schools.
See my complaint above.
Post by super70s
And "taxpayer-funded schools" is the first thing out of their mouths
when they try to defend the 10 Commandments in public school classrooms.
   I've always advocated for "Ethics" - maybe days
   of classes or even an ENTIRE class sometime around
Don't waste your time on ethics.  Learn Chess instead.
Ah, war games .....

The less ethics, the more wars .....

Invested in defense contractors ?
2024-06-22 01:28:31 UTC
Post by Anonymous
  | Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
  | Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
  | Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
  | ...
Taxpayers have been funding left-wing terrorist monsters to "teach"
children for how many decades now?
If it's fair to fund commies then it's fair to
fund anyone ELSE too. That State-ed is somehow
neutral - BULLSHIT.

But I'm old enough to remember when it was more
or less "right wing" - cold war. Mandatory readings
and entire courses. I remember a "Americanism -vs-
Communism" text book and a stubble-headed old
ex Marine was the teacher ! :-)

I'd LIKE to see a lot more non-WokieCom private
schools that are NOT "religious" - more Land Of
The Free instead with emphasis on practical
subjects. Fundy religion of ANY ilk has NEVER
been a friend of Liberty and Justice.
2024-06-22 10:04:21 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Post by Anonymous
  | Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
  | Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
  | Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
  | ...
Taxpayers have been funding left-wing terrorist monsters to "teach"
children for how many decades now?
If it's fair to fund commies then it's fair to
fund anyone ELSE too. That State-ed is somehow
neutral - BULLSHIT.
But I'm old enough to remember when it was more
or less "right wing" - cold war. Mandatory readings
and entire courses. I remember a "Americanism -vs-
Communism" text book and a stubble-headed old
ex Marine was the teacher ! :-)
I'd LIKE to see a lot more non-WokieCom private
schools that are NOT "religious" - more Land Of
The Free instead with emphasis on practical
subjects. Fundy religion of ANY ilk has NEVER
been a friend of Liberty and Justice.
Unless the religion is the loser and is kicked out. Then, in its new host
country, they tend to be very freedom friendly, until they gain majority,
and then kick out everyone else.

Religion has a built in claim to truth, which means that once it grows
powerful enough, it shuts down all other discussion. Very sad.
2024-06-23 04:30:26 UTC
Post by D
Post by Anonymous
  | Christian Nationalists Are Opening Private Schools.
  | Taxpayers Are Funding Them.
  | Trump's favorite Arizona megachurch has one.
  | ...
Taxpayers have been funding left-wing terrorist monsters to "teach"
children for how many decades now?
 If it's fair to fund commies then it's fair to
 fund anyone ELSE too. That State-ed is somehow
 neutral - BULLSHIT.
 But I'm old enough to remember when it was more
 or less "right wing" - cold war. Mandatory readings
 and entire courses. I remember a "Americanism -vs-
 Communism" text book and a stubble-headed old
 ex Marine was the teacher !  :-)
 I'd LIKE to see a lot more non-WokieCom private
 schools that are NOT "religious" - more Land Of
 The Free instead with emphasis on practical
 subjects. Fundy religion of ANY ilk has NEVER
 been a friend of Liberty and Justice.
Unless the religion is the loser and is kicked out. Then, in its new
host country, they tend to be very freedom friendly, until they gain
majority, and then kick out everyone else.
Ya noticed that eh ? :-)

Humans, like many others, are a hierarchical species.
Everybody wants to be at the tops of the pecking order.
They use ANY options - including religion and genocide -
to GET to the top. It's instinctive, the 'default', and
thus VERY difficult to thwart longer-term. There are
social forms of "entropy" become tiresome to resist and
we drift back to that default behavior.
Post by D
Religion has a built in claim to truth, which means that once it grows
powerful enough, it shuts down all other discussion. Very sad.
Well ... see the above ...

But if it's not religion then it's some close substitute,
some or another "-ism" that's bad for the majority and
Freedom and Justice and all that good stuff.

The modern concept/realization of republics/'democracy'
is NOT very old - mostly from the 1700s, the tail end
of the Enlightenment, Voltaire, Locke ........

Grand IDEA ... but that doesn't mean it will WORK, that
it can LAST.

Frankly, I'm not so sure it's "lasting" very well
anymore ... we keep drifting more and more back to
those "defaults", entropy takes its toll. I do
not see ANY nation that seems REALLY enthusiastic
about Life/Liberty/Justice/Happiness any more -
instead they keep creating more and more laws and
administrative tricks to crush their political foes.

And The Masses CHEER ......

So, you will have to excuse my somewhat negative
worldview. Human nature/IQ MOSTLY gets used to
move up that pecking order. It will literally
take a major Space Alien incursion to alter that
and it may may only have a temporary impact. We
are what we are - billions of years of Darwin's
rules built in.

CAN we live with that ? We'll see. The rapid rise
of hypersonic thermonuclear missiles and Fauci's
favorite bio-war labs are NOT encouraging.
Governor Swill
2024-06-24 01:59:59 UTC
Post by D
Unless the religion is the loser and is kicked out. Then, in its new host
country, they tend to be very freedom friendly, until they gain majority,
and then kick out everyone else.
Religion has a built in claim to truth, which means that once it grows
powerful enough, it shuts down all other discussion. Very sad.
High time you got around to making sense. ;)

NP: Paul Simon - 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover
