New Nationalist Coalition seeks to tackle White Civil Rights
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D. Ray
2024-06-05 05:27:14 UTC
In an age where the vast majority of Americans believe the current
political system is broken beyond repair, a new nationalist group has
emerged to rally a marginalized White community under a new banner.

Meet the Nationalist Coalition, a network of like-minded pro-White
advocates which bills itself as a “national community of pro-White
families, activists, organizers, artists, employers, and professionals.”

While there already exist a myriad of pro-White groups in the dissident
community, the Nationalist Coalition—or NAT-CO, for short—seeks to stand
out in its mission to peacefully “build a nation within a nation” to foster
the integrity, posterity, and security of America’s waning White majority.

“We have a whole country of untapped talent wanting to stand up and
contribute to the pro-White movement,”said Carson Ford Brooks in a request
for comment by the Justice Report. “There have been a lot of organizations
out there that have brought people together into the real world, into
communities built on activism and camaraderie. This is absolutely
worthwhile, but there’s been a relatively hard ceiling on the size and
impact of real-world groups since Charlottesville.”

A long-time street activist and veteran organizer for the now-defunct
National Justice Party (NJP), Brooks—who previously worked under the
pseudonym Carson Kilgrey—is now part of a three-man Executive Board that
has gone public with its identity to formalize NAT-CO as a non-profit and
give it the legitimacy it needs to grow.

“It’s time to sober up and recognize that we need to do something
different. Most of the victories we’ve had as a movement have been through
penetrating the narrative and normalizing our ideas, which has never been
easier, particularly since October 7th. So we have a real opportunity here,
right now,” he continued.

Brooks is joined alongside a cadre of pro-White activists, organizers, and
other professionals who cut their teeth in the NJP. Under the red and black
banners of that organization, now-members of NAT-CO fought hard to raise
awareness of issues like wanton Black crime, Zionism in government, the
effects of uncontrolled immigration, and the creeping effects of far-left
extremism now embedded within nearly all of our once-great institutions.

The success NJP had in motivating White men and women to action was always
believed to be due to its regional organizers and volunteers. It’s this
success that NAT-CO hopes to rekindle and, with it, capitalize on the
momentum in a world where the stakes have never been higher.

“This country is in an infrastructural freefall, living conditions are
going to get a lot worse, and the time to organize into explicitly
pro-White communities is now,” Brooks continued. “We’re not here to tell
you what the solution to our situation is, we’re not here to claim that
we’ll take power and implement a Nationalist government, we’re here to
rally the serious people out there that may one day achieve that vision,
we’re here to consolidate the resources and capabilities of pro-White
projects toward a shared, holistic purpose in the service of White

“Whatever the solution may be, we simply need more people and resources to
achieve it. That is the aim of the Coalition. I truly believe collaborative
effort is the future of Nationalist organizing in this country,” he said.

“The work of our broader movement, of collectivizing and restoring some
semblance of dignity and worth to our People, can’t just be abandoned
because one organizational vehicle breaks down. We still have work to do,”
said Executive Board member Rainhart Gregory Arthurson, NAT-CO’s bearded
firebrand, also in a request for comment by the Justice Report.

“Our message is ultimately one of solidarity, of love, and of self-respect,
all of which are denied to White Americans under the current system,” he

During a speech at NAT-CO’s inaugural meeting in North Carolina last month,
Arthurson further highlighted the mainstreaming of pro-White ideals
internationally, and the fertile ground that now exists in nearly every
state of the Union.

“Though the fight we find ourselves in is not of our own creation, it is
one that has been passed into our care not only through our organizational
predecessor but through generations of our embattled forebears,” he said
during his time at the podium. “Yes, these are times of great struggle for
our people… but these are times of even greater possibility.”

“Never in recent memory have our ideals been so widely embraced in the
mainstream. The precepts we espouse, and the values we hold dear are
ripening in the hearts of our people more and more every day. Now is not
the time to relent. Now is not the time to yield. The iron is white hot-
now is the time to strike, and that is what the Nationalist Coalition will
do,” he said, earning raucous applause.

Nathan Barker, the third member of NAT-CO’s Executive Board, recognized
that the power of pro-White organizing lies solely in its members and
volunteers. In a speech, Barker also took aim at anti-White subversives who
hold positions of power in America, believing their own actions will
inadvertently funnel White people into NAT-CO’s rank-and-file.

“One thing that I can speak to with absolute certainty is the steadfast
dedication of the team we’ve assembled—dedication to our worldview, our
principles, and ultimately, dedication to you,” he said. “Our network spans
the country and is made up of many familiar faces, as well as some new
ones. We’re eager to get started, and with lessons learned and wisdom
gained, we aim to employ tried-and-true methods.”

“Awareness of Jewish power is reaching new highs. White Americans are
intuitively recognizing their status as second-class citizens, farmed as a
tax base for an empire that hates them. They see the racial double
standards, the Anti-White bias, the homosexual agenda, the peddling of
drugs and pornography, and so on,” he said.

The claims could not be easily refuted. According to the latest survey
conducted by the Anti-Defamation League, 24% of Americans now said to hold
explicitly “antisemitic” beliefs, up from 20% in 2022. The study further
alleged that younger Americans were more likely to endorse so-called
“anti-Jewish tropes,” and a whopping third of all Americans now believe
Israeli operatives are manipulating US policy on a national level.

Additionally, support for so-called “LGBTQ+ rights” has seen a decline for
the first time in decades, while roughly two-thirds of Americans now fear
violence stemming from the upcoming contentious 2024 Presidential

“They’ve lived through the same past 6 years as us, seen the same things we
have, and now they’re coming to the same conclusions,” he continued.

According to a list of core principles maintained on NAT-CO’s website, a
secure border, an end to foreign wars, strict anti-corruption laws, and
pro-family policies are some of the group’s fundamental pillars. The
group’s leaders assert that these policies are not only popular but
necessary for a healthy White society.

Core Principles of the Nationalist Coalition

1. End the racial replacement of White Americans

2. Massive media reform

3. The implementation of pro-natalist policies

4. Massive healthcare reform

5. Massive education reform

6. Balanced environmental protection and beautification of America

7. Secure the border, restrict immigration, and begin mass deportation

8. No more foreign wars

9. Massive lobbying reform

10. Correct economic inequality

11. End corruption in the justice system

12. End usurious lending

13. The right to keep and bear arms

14. The right to free speech and assembly

15. The right to parental authority

“Make no mistake, this is not a resurrection of tired and discordant
political posturing. This is the crowning of a new life for our movement,”
said Arthurson to the Justice Report. “This is the moment of genesis in a
great White revolution which has been gestating for lifetimes, beyond

Arthurson and Brooks say the Nationalist Coalition is growing, recruiting,
and hoping to network with like-minded individuals and other organizations
that might share its mission of helping White Americans and securing their
best interests.

“If we’re not growing, we are dying; if we want to build communities, that
will require people; if we want to take action, that will require money; if
we want to take effective action, that requires effective and motivated
people, and we just need more of all of the above,” said Brooks.

“As a race, we no longer have the luxury of kicking the can or
fence-sitting. Action must be taken,” said Arthurson. “I challenge the
fence-sitters out there to take action and get vetted. You’re already a
member of this community. You’re already born into this fight.”

“Will you watch the men and women of action from the sidelines? Or will you
become one?”

NAT-CO organizers would like all potential participants to visit their
website and submit a vetting request via email:

Have a story? Please forward any tips or leads to the editors at


D. Ray
2024-06-05 07:01:28 UTC
Post by D. Ray
A long-time street activist and veteran organizer for the now-defunct
National Justice Party (NJP), Brooks—who previously worked under the
pseudonym Carson Kilgrey—is now part of a three-man Executive Board that
has gone public with its identity to formalize NAT-CO as a non-profit and
give it the legitimacy it needs to grow.
Not familiar with other two guys, but Carson Kilgrey is well-known true
believer who organized several protests including ones in Nashville and


