"PExit" ??? EU Continues To Screw Poland For Being "Un-PC"
(too old to reply)
2024-06-02 03:38:57 UTC
The EU has been after Poland for years now ... it
started with 'migrant' policies and has since moved
to other areas. It is a constant trial.

So ... should Poland just LEAVE the EU ? Tell the
back-lines better-than-thou's to FUCK OFF ???

Poland is FRONT LINE against Russia - in Vlad's
cross-hairs. It cannot afford the self-destructive
nicey-nice you'd see in France or Belgium. Poland
is Right Up Against It.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-02 04:21:05 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
So ... should Poland just LEAVE the EU ?
Of course. Both Poland and Hungary. But they never will, because they
LOOOVE to keep getting those EU handouts!
