Post by TedPost by Chris AhlstromPost by Bradley K. ShermanPost by Skeeter...
Post by Bradley K. Sherman| 'It'll Be Brutal': Inside Trump's Planned War on Leakers
| and the Press
| ...
No first amendments rights taken. Leaker s are a national safety risk.
Skeeter only cares about 2A. As long as he can lubricate
his luger, the rest of the Bill of Rights is can be erased.
"Lubricate his Luger" LOL
Jerkin' his gherkin.
Chokin' th' chicken.
Waxing his carrot.
Oilin' th' ol' baseball glove.
Spankin' th' monkey.
You're turning me on with that sexy talk Chris.
Here is his pic.
Maybe the two of you can hook up on Tinder?
All about snit read below. Links courtesy of Ron:
Example of Snit trolling in real time:
All about the snit troll: