Oz : THOUSANDS of Fires Traced to Lithium Batteries
(too old to reply)
2024-06-22 04:32:20 UTC

Lithium-ion batteries are responsible for thousands of
fires a year causing extensive damage to waste facilities,
trucks and homes across the nation.

Australia produces about 3,300 tonnes of lithium-ion
battery waste each year, which has caused more than
10,000 fires annually in waste management facilities
and trucks alone.

The alarming figures have prompted environment ministers
across the country to take urgent action to prevent
fires from having devastating consequences on lives
and property.

. . .

THOUSANDS of fires, in Oz alone !!!

Somebody better come up with a fair lithium
alternative FAST FAST FAST ! Almost every
home/biz has a bunch of these sleeper fire-

But then what would all the Chinese SLAVES
do ??? The GreenWokies will have to come
up with SOMETHING ... :-)
R Kym Horsell
2024-06-22 09:16:35 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Lithium-ion batteries are responsible for thousands of
fires a year causing extensive damage to waste facilities,
trucks and homes across the nation.

Tire fire
... a fire involving approximately 10 million tires began which still
smouldered 15 years later. ... multiple fires and finally resulted in a
tire fire on August 13.
-- wiki

The Waste Tire Problem
BURNING. Approximately half of all waste tires are burned. Over 150
MILLION tires are burned every year. To make that number less alarming,
burning tires is often reported as Tire Derived Fuel or TDF.
-- PRTI, inc

Tyres and Dangers for Emergency Service Officers
-- executiverisksolutions.com.au,7 Aug 2015
Current worldwide production stands at about ONE BILLION tyres per annum,
and is climbing. ...
US Temperatures and Age-Adjusted Death Rates:
States like: Av temp Annual deaths Model prediction
(deg C) under65s/1000
North.Dakota 4.16305 7.524 7.73449
Minnesota 5.13194 7.0551 7.77588*
Wyoming 5.71693 7.7088 7.80087
Montana 6.04505 8.2644 7.81489*
Wisconsin 6.56714 8.0259 7.83719
South.Dakota 7.2158 8.25195 7.8649
Washington 9.4814 7.5641 7.96169
Pennsylvania 9.94842 8.27295 7.98165
Virginia 12.4797 7.88773 8.08979
Missouri 12.7726 8.772 8.1023*
Tennessee 14.6076 7.5589 8.1807*
Oklahoma 15.3714 8.4178 8.21333
South.Carolina 17.1865 8.5437 8.29087
Georgia 17.6131 8.35765 8.3091
Louisiana 19.3763 8.6823 8.38442
Florida 21.717 7.9392 8.48442*

For each deg C of avg temp there is a corresponding
additional 43 deaths per 1000 of people under 65 y.

T-test: P(beta>0)=98%
Rank test: P(order of av temp == order of deaths/1000) = 85%
R2: 25%
2024-06-22 20:06:31 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Lithium-ion batteries are responsible for thousands of
fires a year causing extensive damage to waste facilities,
trucks and homes across the nation.
This is a constant problem in recycling centers where they
stockpile hundreds even thousands of batteries.
Post by 26xh.0717
Australia produces about 3,300 tonnes of lithium-ion
battery waste each year, which has caused more than
10,000 fires annually in waste management facilities
and trucks alone.
It used to be worse, if that matters. One of the Samsung
devices was banned from airliners, it caught on fire so
2024-06-23 03:48:04 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by 26xh.0717
Lithium-ion batteries are responsible for thousands of
fires a year causing extensive damage to waste facilities,
trucks and homes across the nation.
This is a constant problem in recycling centers where they
stockpile hundreds even thousands of batteries.
Post by 26xh.0717
Australia produces about 3,300 tonnes of lithium-ion
battery waste each year, which has caused more than
10,000 fires annually in waste management facilities
and trucks alone.
It used to be worse, if that matters. One of the Samsung
devices was banned from airliners, it caught on fire so
The WORST problem, reported here, isn't fires at
some waste facility way off the south end of town
but smack inside peoples HOMES.

It's not only in Oz either ...
