JellyFish World ???
(too old to reply)
2024-06-02 06:06:58 UTC
New AWI research reveals that jellyfish in the Arctic Ocean
are benefiting from climate change and expanding further north.
Climate change is exerting immense pressure on many marine
organisms. However, jellyfish across the world???s oceans may
First noticed in the 1980s when a huge bloom took over the Black Sea.
But the first known blooms date back to 500 million ya in the fossil record.
That's the world the fossil companies are determined to
take us back to.
Sorry, but no good fixes yet. Even going back
to medieval dung-huts ... and inefficient
farming ... same or worse (plus the plagues
and war-lords and painful short lives).

Double the efficiency of PV panels and slash
the price by like 75% ... THEN you've got
some real alternatives. We've built a
tech/energy-dependent world civ - and we're
kinda STUCK with it.

Or do you WANT to kill 8 billion people ? Just
SAY so if that's good for you .....
R Kym Horsell
2024-06-02 08:24:51 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
New AWI research reveals that jellyfish in the Arctic Ocean
are benefiting from climate change and expanding further north.
Climate change is exerting immense pressure on many marine
organisms. However, jellyfish across the world???s oceans may
First noticed in the 1980s when a huge bloom took over the Black Sea.
But the first known blooms date back to 500 million ya in the fossil record.
That's the world the fossil companies are determined to
take us back to.
Sorry, but no good fixes yet. Even going back
to medieval dung-huts ... and inefficient

No real dung 500 mn years ago.

In case you missed it here's there timeline:

700 sponge invented
550 jellyfish
500 nautilus
480 eel
450 hagfish
CO2 Equiv era Extinction rate
(rel 1950) (Mya)
2 110 3.5%
2.5 150 9
3 160 5
3.5 250 16
5 400 30
10 500 60
2024-06-02 19:38:12 UTC
Post by R Kym Horsell
Post by 26xh.0717
New AWI research reveals that jellyfish in the Arctic Ocean
are benefiting from climate change and expanding further north.
Climate change is exerting immense pressure on many marine
organisms. However, jellyfish across the world???s oceans may
First noticed in the 1980s when a huge bloom took over the Black Sea.
But the first known blooms date back to 500 million ya in the fossil record.
That's the world the fossil companies are determined to
take us back to.
Sorry, but no good fixes yet. Even going back
to medieval dung-huts ... and inefficient
No real dung 500 mn years ago.
700 sponge invented
550 jellyfish
500 nautilus
480 eel
450 hagfish
??? The dung huts were by and for dark-age and (some)
medieval peasants/serfs.

What the survivors of the ultra-green agenda would be
rapidly reduced to ...

As for jellies ... it IS interesting how "simplest" can
become "fittest", again.
