Fauci Confesses That He Just Made Up Covid Rules
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2024-06-03 06:03:55 UTC

. . .

Well, some of that was kinda obvious.

BTW, 6-feet spacing, actually NOT ENOUGH. 12 feet
would have been more useful. Masks designed for
bacteria weren't gonna do much either.

Thing is, being in the political realm, reality is
not always the most important thing. They have to
be seen as "Doing Something", whatever it may be.

There really wasn't any way to stop Covid at the
beginning - no vax or other good measures. The
ONLY tact was to try and DELAY it a bit so the
health system would not be totally overwhelmed.
The virus WOULD run its course regardless.

Even thus, the system WAS kinda overwhelmed in
some places.

Well, that was then. Alas there are NEW viruses
that are worrisome - and some CRIMINAL IDIOTS
calling themselves "scientists" keep brewing up
STRONGER versions of Covid and worse. The next
big lab leak, or deliberate release by fanatics,
can be tomorrow - so what we gonna do folks ?

Modern travel/trade means there's no such thing
as a local epidemic anymore. Something pops up
in China or Nigeria or Bolivia and it's EVERYWHERE
within a week.

First off, anybody who even floats an idea for
viral "amplification" should be seized and sent
to a dungeon somewhere they can never blab. This
should be international law.

Everybody since I was born thought the End Of
The World would be nuclear mushrooms everywhere.
Hey, they DID do the "Duck & Cover" drills when
I was in school. That cheap desk was supposed
to save you.

Well ... that may not be THE most real danger
after all - things a micron across instead and
nobody has to press any buttons ...
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-03 06:39:02 UTC
Other countries followed similar rules, and did a much better job of it.

Why? Because the people listened to the experts in those other countries.
Meanwhile, in the US, you had this concerted effort to politicize the
pandemic and claim it was some kind of “liberal hoax” or plot to take away
your “freedoms”. And so innocent people died as a result, more of them in
the USA than in any other country on Earth.
2024-06-03 09:09:15 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Other countries followed similar rules, and did a much better job of it.
Why? Because the people listened to the experts in those other countries.
Meanwhile, in the US, you had this concerted effort to politicize the
pandemic and claim it was some kind of “liberal hoax” or plot to take away
your “freedoms”. And so innocent people died as a result, more of them in
the USA than in any other country on Earth.
Actually the best in class was Sweden which didn't have any enforceable
rules, vaccines or lock-downs except towards the end, when they definitely
didn't matter.

Doing nothing, was the best approach in the end, which is proven by fact.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-03 22:03:39 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Other countries followed similar rules, and did a much better job of it.
Why? Because the people listened to the experts in those other
countries. Meanwhile, in the US, you had this concerted effort to
politicize the pandemic and claim it was some kind of “liberal hoax” or
plot to take away your “freedoms”. And so innocent people died as a
result, more of them in the USA than in any other country on Earth.
Actually the best in class was Sweden ...
Greetings from NZ, which did much better than Sweden. Thanks to our strict
health measures, and a public with sufficient respect for science to obey
2024-06-04 09:57:11 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Other countries followed similar rules, and did a much better job of it.
Why? Because the people listened to the experts in those other
countries. Meanwhile, in the US, you had this concerted effort to
politicize the pandemic and claim it was some kind of “liberal hoax” or
plot to take away your “freedoms”. And so innocent people died as a
result, more of them in the USA than in any other country on Earth.
Actually the best in class was Sweden ...
Greetings from NZ, which did much better than Sweden. Thanks to our strict
health measures, and a public with sufficient respect for science to obey
Incorrect. When you take into account economic and psychological damage.
How's the mass shootings down there? Keeping you busy? ;)
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-04 23:10:12 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Other countries followed similar rules, and did a much better job of it.
Why? Because the people listened to the experts in those other
countries. Meanwhile, in the US, you had this concerted effort to
politicize the pandemic and claim it was some kind of “liberal hoax”
or plot to take away your “freedoms”. And so innocent people died as
a result, more of them in the USA than in any other country on Earth.
Actually the best in class was Sweden ...
Greetings from NZ, which did much better than Sweden. Thanks to our
strict health measures, and a public with sufficient respect for
science to obey them.
Incorrect. When you take into account economic and psychological damage.
How's the mass shootings down there? Keeping you busy? ;)
If we had the same proportion of mass shootings on a per-capita basis as
the USA, then we would be having around one a year.

We don’t have them.
2024-06-05 12:04:03 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Other countries followed similar rules, and did a much better job of it.
Why? Because the people listened to the experts in those other
countries. Meanwhile, in the US, you had this concerted effort to
politicize the pandemic and claim it was some kind of “liberal hoax”
or plot to take away your “freedoms”. And so innocent people died as
a result, more of them in the USA than in any other country on Earth.
Actually the best in class was Sweden ...
Greetings from NZ, which did much better than Sweden. Thanks to our
strict health measures, and a public with sufficient respect for
science to obey them.
Incorrect. When you take into account economic and psychological damage.
How's the mass shootings down there? Keeping you busy? ;)
If we had the same proportion of mass shootings on a per-capita basis as
the USA, then we would be having around one a year.
We don’t have them.
Never happend? Wasn't there a church or something?
David Goodwin
2024-06-05 21:43:39 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Other countries followed similar rules, and did a much better job of it.
Why? Because the people listened to the experts in those other
countries. Meanwhile, in the US, you had this concerted effort to
politicize the pandemic and claim it was some kind of ?liberal hoax?
or plot to take away your ?freedoms?. And so innocent people died as
a result, more of them in the USA than in any other country on Earth.
Actually the best in class was Sweden ...
Greetings from NZ, which did much better than Sweden. Thanks to our
strict health measures, and a public with sufficient respect for
science to obey them.
Incorrect. When you take into account economic and psychological damage.
How's the mass shootings down there? Keeping you busy? ;)
If we had the same proportion of mass shootings on a per-capita basis as
the USA, then we would be having around one a year.
We don?t have them.
Never happend? Wasn't there a church or something?
I assume you're referring to the terrorist attack by a white
supremacist/far-right guy from Australia at two Christchurch mosques in
March 2019. Given this this thread appears to be about Covid, that event
(which predates covid) would be irrelevant to whatever point you're
trying to make.
2024-06-06 03:36:16 UTC
Post by David Goodwin
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Other countries followed similar rules, and did a much better job of it.
Why? Because the people listened to the experts in those other
countries. Meanwhile, in the US, you had this concerted effort to
politicize the pandemic and claim it was some kind of ?liberal hoax?
or plot to take away your ?freedoms?. And so innocent people died as
a result, more of them in the USA than in any other country on Earth.
Actually the best in class was Sweden ...
Greetings from NZ, which did much better than Sweden. Thanks to our
strict health measures, and a public with sufficient respect for
science to obey them.
Incorrect. When you take into account economic and psychological damage.
How's the mass shootings down there? Keeping you busy? ;)
If we had the same proportion of mass shootings on a per-capita basis as
the USA, then we would be having around one a year.
We don?t have them.
Never happend? Wasn't there a church or something?
I assume you're referring to the terrorist attack by a white
supremacist/far-right guy from Australia at two Christchurch mosques in
March 2019. Given this this thread appears to be about Covid, that event
(which predates covid) would be irrelevant to whatever point you're
trying to make.
Actually the context was slightly changed - it was
asserted "We don't have them" ... an "ever ever"
context. Indeed NZ does get mass killers every so
often. COVID does not seem to have had an impact,
in that category in NZ, at least SO far .....
2024-06-06 10:21:21 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Post by David Goodwin
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Other countries followed similar rules, and did a much better job of it.
Why? Because the people listened to the experts in those other
countries. Meanwhile, in the US, you had this concerted effort to
politicize the pandemic and claim it was some kind of ?liberal hoax?
or plot to take away your ?freedoms?. And so innocent people died as
a result, more of them in the USA than in any other country on Earth.
Actually the best in class was Sweden ...
Greetings from NZ, which did much better than Sweden. Thanks to our
strict health measures, and a public with sufficient respect for
science to obey them.
Incorrect. When you take into account economic and psychological damage.
How's the mass shootings down there? Keeping you busy? ;)
If we had the same proportion of mass shootings on a per-capita basis as
the USA, then we would be having around one a year.
We don?t have them.
Never happend? Wasn't there a church or something?
I assume you're referring to the terrorist attack by a white
supremacist/far-right guy from Australia at two Christchurch mosques in
March 2019. Given this this thread appears to be about Covid, that event
(which predates covid) would be irrelevant to whatever point you're
trying to make.
Actually the context was slightly changed - it was
asserted "We don't have them" ... an "ever ever"
context. Indeed NZ does get mass killers every so
often. COVID does not seem to have had an impact,
in that category in NZ, at least SO far .....
This is the correct interpretation. Also keep in mind that NZ is an island
in terms of corona, so any experience there can be completely discarded
when it comes to non-islands. Ergo, sweden succeeded where the rest of the
world failed with their lock-downs, forced vaccinations and idiotic mask

Do you remember? Corona only infects when standing up in a restaurant not
when sitting down! ;)

2024-06-06 10:19:31 UTC
Post by David Goodwin
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Other countries followed similar rules, and did a much better job of it.
Why? Because the people listened to the experts in those other
countries. Meanwhile, in the US, you had this concerted effort to
politicize the pandemic and claim it was some kind of ?liberal hoax?
or plot to take away your ?freedoms?. And so innocent people died as
a result, more of them in the USA than in any other country on Earth.
Actually the best in class was Sweden ...
Greetings from NZ, which did much better than Sweden. Thanks to our
strict health measures, and a public with sufficient respect for
science to obey them.
Incorrect. When you take into account economic and psychological damage.
How's the mass shootings down there? Keeping you busy? ;)
If we had the same proportion of mass shootings on a per-capita basis as
the USA, then we would be having around one a year.
We don?t have them.
Never happend? Wasn't there a church or something?
I assume you're referring to the terrorist attack by a white
supremacist/far-right guy from Australia at two Christchurch mosques in
March 2019. Given this this thread appears to be about Covid, that event
(which predates covid) would be irrelevant to whatever point you're
trying to make.
2024-06-05 00:41:41 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Other countries followed similar rules, and did a much better job of it.
Why? Because the people listened to the experts in those other
countries. Meanwhile, in the US, you had this concerted effort to
politicize the pandemic and claim it was some kind of “liberal hoax” or
plot to take away your “freedoms”. And so innocent people died as a
result, more of them in the USA than in any other country on Earth.
Actually the best in class was Sweden ...
Greetings from NZ, which did much better than Sweden. Thanks to our strict
health measures, and a public with sufficient respect for science to obey
Incorrect. When you take into account economic and psychological damage.
How's the mass shootings down there? Keeping you busy? ;)
They destroyed society in order to save it. "Socialization",
"civilization", these are learned and practiced affairs.
They put it on hold for a couple of years and now wonder
why there are killer psychos and suicides and rapes and
murders and biz failures everywhere, why everything seems
to be falling apart. The People feel it, feel doom in
the air.

Oh well, Oz and NZ will soon be ruled by the PRC and
in some places Islamists. They won't like it.
John Doe
2024-06-03 21:26:56 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
. . .
  Well, some of that was kinda obvious.
  BTW, 6-feet spacing, actually NOT ENOUGH. 12 feet
  would have been more useful. Masks designed for
  bacteria weren't gonna do much either.
  Thing is, being in the political realm, reality is
  not always the most important thing. They have to
  be seen as "Doing Something", whatever it may be.
  There really wasn't any way to stop Covid at the
  beginning - no vax or other good measures. The
  ONLY tact was to try and DELAY it a bit so the
  health system would not be totally overwhelmed.
  The virus WOULD run its course regardless.
  Even thus, the system WAS kinda overwhelmed in
  some places.
  Well, that was then. Alas there are NEW viruses
  that are worrisome - and some CRIMINAL IDIOTS
  calling themselves "scientists" keep brewing up
  STRONGER versions of Covid and worse. The next
  big lab leak, or deliberate release by fanatics,
  can be tomorrow - so what we gonna do folks ?
  Modern travel/trade means there's no such thing
  as a local epidemic anymore. Something pops up
  in China or Nigeria or Bolivia and it's EVERYWHERE
  within a week.
  First off, anybody who even floats an idea for
  viral "amplification" should be seized and sent
  to a dungeon somewhere they can never blab. This
  should be international law.
  Everybody since I was born thought the End Of
  The World would be nuclear mushrooms everywhere.
  Hey, they DID do the "Duck & Cover" drills when
  I was in school. That cheap desk was supposed
  to save you.
  Well ... that may not be THE most real danger
  after all - things a micron across instead and
  nobody has to press any buttons ...
It was a weird time. Millions were dying. We were using refrigerator
trucks as morgues. We were still learning about how the virus was most
easily transmitted. Some people erred on the side of saving lives.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-03 22:14:32 UTC
We were using refrigerator trucks as morgues.
Which states did that? Texas was the one I recall, where the virus
denialism was particularly strong.

And also using parking buildings as makeshift emergency wards--didn’t
somebody on one of the right-wing networks claim it was a “hoax”? But
funny, it was only the “liberal” networks that bothered to fact-check, by
sending someone to interview the hospital staff, and get shown round the
ward setup to prove it was real.

Meanwhile, those of us in the normal, rational world just kept shaking our
heads at what was happening in the USA ...