PBS Host Spread Disinfo to Shift Blame for Gaza Genocide from Biden-Harris to Trump
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D. Ray
2024-08-22 12:05:14 UTC
PBS News host Judy Woodruff on Wednesday admitted she spread disinformation
by falsely claiming that former President Donald Trump urged Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to approve a peace deal in order to hurt
the Harris campaign.

This was a remarkable and quite clever attempt to shift the blame for the
Gaza Genocide away from Biden-Harris and onto Trump and it was spread to
millions of people all over social media.


Governor Swill
2024-08-22 13:37:56 UTC
DNC update: Reprsentative Jamie Raskin, MD:
Hundreds of our police officers taunted and attacked, 140 of them wounded by
extremists wielding baseball bats, steel pipes even American flags. Five people
died that day and four more of our officers took their own lives in the days and
weeks to come. All of this after Trump was defeated by more than 7 million
votes by the great Joe Biden.
D. Ray
2024-08-22 16:20:53 UTC
Post by D. Ray
PBS News host Judy Woodruff on Wednesday admitted she spread disinformation
by falsely claiming that former President Donald Trump urged Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to approve a peace deal in order to hurt
the Harris campaign.
This was a remarkable and quite clever attempt to shift the blame for the
Gaza Genocide away from Biden-Harris and onto Trump and it was spread to
millions of people all over social media.
Judy Woodruff lied in her "apology" by claiming she was just repeating what
she read on Axios and Reuters.

Their reports actually said the literal opposite of what she claimed.

