Is Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism?
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D. Ray
2024-05-16 00:38:34 UTC
Warren and Emily discuss House Resolution 894, equating anti-Zionism with

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D. Ray
2024-05-16 01:36:20 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Warren and Emily discuss House Resolution 894, equating anti-Zionism with

Forgot the link.
Loose Cannon
2024-05-17 02:53:12 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Warren and Emily discuss House Resolution 894, equating anti-Zionism with
Fellow named Brian Lambsky said it best, "I'm not anti-Semitic, I just
hate jews".
2024-05-19 07:27:09 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Warren and Emily discuss House Resolution 894, equating anti-Zionism with
All the examples over the past couple of years of Jews using their power and
money to punish their critics has proven that Jews have no power or money
and are actually the permanent world champions of the Oppression Olympics,
receiving automatic gold medals in every competition.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-28 07:40:34 UTC
Post by Sebastian
All the examples over the past couple of years of Jews using their power
and money to punish their critics ...
Interesting to see what the attitude of the Montagues and the Rothschilds
was to the Balfour Declaration -- they wanted no part of it. They saw
themselves as British, and they wanted to be seen as 100% British, and as
a dependable part of the establishment. They knew that anybody supporting
this idea of a “Jewish homeland” would too easily be seen as having
divided loyalties, and therefore not entirely trustworthy.
D. Ray
2024-05-29 07:10:37 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Sebastian
All the examples over the past couple of years of Jews using their power
and money to punish their critics ...
Interesting to see what the attitude of the Montagues and the Rothschilds
was to the Balfour Declaration -- they wanted no part of it. They saw
themselves as British, and they wanted to be seen as 100% British, and as
a dependable part of the establishment. They knew that anybody supporting
this idea of a “Jewish homeland” would too easily be seen as having
divided loyalties, and therefore not entirely trustworthy.

“As an active Zionist and a close friend of Chaim Weizmann, he worked to
formulate the draft declaration for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.”
2024-05-20 14:16:29 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Warren and Emily discuss House Resolution 894, equating anti-Zionism with
You must agree with everything Jews say and Israel does lest you be accused
of being an antisemite. Despite the fact that Muslims are semites as well.