Large Rise in Cancers in YOUNG People Causing Concern
(too old to reply)
2024-06-03 02:07:55 UTC

Britain facing cancer timebomb in the under-50s due to poor
diet and gut health - and ultra-processed food could be to blame

. . .

The DM "health" editor is now convinced the evil
awful "ultra-processed food" is the cause of all
doom ....

Well, we've been sucking that down since the 1950s,
in plastic dishes/cups where you could taste the
plasticizing agents. Ask an older person what
"tastes like plastic" means.

As for "bad diet" - almost EVERYBODY has had a
"bad diet" across all human history.

This new mystery problem affects a much younger

MIGHT be a virus. MIGHT be some nasty club drug
that was popular 20 years ago. Might be tofu.
I suppose studies ARE in progress, might find
a common thread, but the conclusions aren't
there yet. Until then expect everything that
social/dietary fanatics HATE to be blamed.
Lucas McCain
2024-06-03 03:12:35 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Britain facing cancer timebomb in the under-50s due to poor
diet and gut health - and ultra-processed food could be to blame
. . .
  The DM "health" editor is now convinced the evil
  awful "ultra-processed food" is the cause of all
  doom ....
  Well, we've been sucking that down since the 1950s,
  in plastic dishes/cups where you could taste the
  plasticizing agents. Ask an older person what
  "tastes like plastic" means.
  As for "bad diet" - almost EVERYBODY has had a
  "bad diet" across all human history.
  This new mystery problem affects a much younger
  MIGHT be a virus. MIGHT be some nasty club drug
  that was popular 20 years ago. Might be tofu.
  I suppose studies ARE in progress, might find
  a common thread, but the conclusions aren't
  there yet. Until then expect everything that
  social/dietary fanatics HATE to be blamed.
None dare say the mRNA "COVID" shots might be to blame.
You voted for student loan forgiveness. You got demographic replacement
and World War 3.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“Western values mean three things: migration, LGBTQ, and war." Viktor Orban

Nothing is built, back, or better under Resident Brandon.

2024-06-03 10:47:51 UTC
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by 26xh.0717
Britain facing cancer timebomb in the under-50s due to poor
diet and gut health - and ultra-processed food could be to blame
. . .
   The DM "health" editor is now convinced the evil
   awful "ultra-processed food" is the cause of all
   doom ....
   Well, we've been sucking that down since the 1950s,
   in plastic dishes/cups where you could taste the
   plasticizing agents. Ask an older person what
   "tastes like plastic" means.
   As for "bad diet" - almost EVERYBODY has had a
   "bad diet" across all human history.
   This new mystery problem affects a much younger
   MIGHT be a virus. MIGHT be some nasty club drug
   that was popular 20 years ago. Might be tofu.
   I suppose studies ARE in progress, might find
   a common thread, but the conclusions aren't
   there yet. Until then expect everything that
   social/dietary fanatics HATE to be blamed.
None dare say the mRNA "COVID" shots might be to blame.
None dare, for the scope of the lie is so vast and costly to contemplate.
2024-06-04 05:25:33 UTC
Post by Nic
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by 26xh.0717
Britain facing cancer timebomb in the under-50s due to poor
diet and gut health - and ultra-processed food could be to blame
. . .
   The DM "health" editor is now convinced the evil
   awful "ultra-processed food" is the cause of all
   doom ....
   Well, we've been sucking that down since the 1950s,
   in plastic dishes/cups where you could taste the
   plasticizing agents. Ask an older person what
   "tastes like plastic" means.
   As for "bad diet" - almost EVERYBODY has had a
   "bad diet" across all human history.
   This new mystery problem affects a much younger
   MIGHT be a virus. MIGHT be some nasty club drug
   that was popular 20 years ago. Might be tofu.
   I suppose studies ARE in progress, might find
   a common thread, but the conclusions aren't
   there yet. Until then expect everything that
   social/dietary fanatics HATE to be blamed.
None dare say the mRNA "COVID" shots might be to blame.
None dare, for the scope of the lie is so vast and costly to contemplate.
None dare because the prime consumers were
the over-40s ... who are NOT suffering from
this weird plague.
Borax Man
2024-06-03 03:22:29 UTC
["Followup-To:" header set to talk.politics.misc.]
Post by 26xh.0717
Britain facing cancer timebomb in the under-50s due to poor
diet and gut health - and ultra-processed food could be to blame
. . .
The DM "health" editor is now convinced the evil
awful "ultra-processed food" is the cause of all
doom ....
Well, we've been sucking that down since the 1950s,
in plastic dishes/cups where you could taste the
plasticizing agents. Ask an older person what
"tastes like plastic" means.
As for "bad diet" - almost EVERYBODY has had a
"bad diet" across all human history.
This new mystery problem affects a much younger
MIGHT be a virus. MIGHT be some nasty club drug
that was popular 20 years ago. Might be tofu.
I suppose studies ARE in progress, might find
a common thread, but the conclusions aren't
there yet. Until then expect everything that
social/dietary fanatics HATE to be blamed.
People in the past have had a deficient diet, but not necessarily that
contains manufactured ingredients and other additives. There is a
difference between a diet being poor simply due to under nutrition,
than one bad because it passes materials through the alimentary canal
for which we did not evolve to process.

The taste of plastic in food has always concerned me. Whether it be
the taste of plastic in food that was microwaved in a container, water
in a plastic bottle, or just the strange taste of ice from the
freezer. I've refused to eat food because of a funny plastic taste
that others thought was no issue.

But processed food is indeed a problem. Less and less fresh product
and meat, and more canned and processed stuff that is far from what it
originally was.
2024-06-03 19:57:44 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Britain facing cancer timebomb in the under-50s due to poor
diet and gut health - and ultra-processed food could be to blame
. . .
  The DM "health" editor is now convinced the evil
  awful "ultra-processed food" is the cause of all
  doom ....
  Well, we've been sucking that down since the 1950s,
  in plastic dishes/cups where you could taste the
  plasticizing agents. Ask an older person what
  "tastes like plastic" means.
  As for "bad diet" - almost EVERYBODY has had a
  "bad diet" across all human history.
  This new mystery problem affects a much younger
  MIGHT be a virus. MIGHT be some nasty club drug
  that was popular 20 years ago. Might be tofu.
  I suppose studies ARE in progress, might find
  a common thread, but the conclusions aren't
  there yet. Until then expect everything that
  social/dietary fanatics HATE to be blamed.

people are being viewed and listened to within their homes too,
which seems to suggest that people in their homes are under constant
bombardment with radiation, which some would say, causes cancer.
2024-06-04 05:32:36 UTC
Post by ***@cov.net.inv
Post by 26xh.0717
Britain facing cancer timebomb in the under-50s due to poor
diet and gut health - and ultra-processed food could be to blame
. . .
   The DM "health" editor is now convinced the evil
   awful "ultra-processed food" is the cause of all
   doom ....
   Well, we've been sucking that down since the 1950s,
   in plastic dishes/cups where you could taste the
   plasticizing agents. Ask an older person what
   "tastes like plastic" means.
   As for "bad diet" - almost EVERYBODY has had a
   "bad diet" across all human history.
   This new mystery problem affects a much younger
   MIGHT be a virus. MIGHT be some nasty club drug
   that was popular 20 years ago. Might be tofu.
   I suppose studies ARE in progress, might find
   a common thread, but the conclusions aren't
   there yet. Until then expect everything that
   social/dietary fanatics HATE to be blamed.
people are being viewed and listened to within their homes too,
which seems to suggest that people in their homes are under constant
bombardment with radiation, which some would say, causes cancer.
Ummm ... 'radiation' from WHAT sources ???

The last major radiation source in homes were
the 1st-gen color TVs - X-rays. Briefly owned an
old 2nd-gen unit - with a lead-glass plate in
front of the tube. It WAS slightly 'discolored'.

Since then ... pretty much nada aside from the
ubiquitous radon and cosmic rays. Certainly
nothing new since maybe 2014 or even 2004 ...

Still betting on "drugs" or MAYBE a virus.

Oh, today, article blaming "not enough fiber" ...
