Homosexual parenting is evil and we must eradicate it
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D. Ray
2024-05-21 19:21:39 UTC
Imagine you are watching a nature documentary, marvelling at the miracle of
birth, when suddenly the newborn animal is taken from its mother and given
to males of the species to raise.

You’d find it cruel and unnatural. You wouldn’t expect the baby to survive,
and you’d know instinctively that you just watched something that was
deeply wrong.

Now picture the poorest country you can.

A child is born on a dirt floor and instantly bonds with his mother as she
holds him for the first time. His father will meet him soon, the son he has
been waiting for, who will carry his name and continue the family line.

The infant will feed from the breast of the woman who bore him inside her
for nine months, who shares half his DNA, whose smell he will never forget,
and from whose voice he will begin to learn his native language.

This child might have the odds against him, and may well live a life of
poverty and hardship.

But he enjoys the most basic human right of all – the right to have a
mother and father.

Yes, throughout history mothers have died in childbirth, single-parent
families have sadly always existed, as has adoption, fostering and
community care, all out of necessity.

But none of our ancestors would ever have dreamed of stealing a baby from
its mother to present to a pair of sexual deviants playing as parents.

To allow a child to be raised by two strangers of the same sex is to rob
them of an experience so vital to what it is to be human that it beggars

The same boy born in a state-of-the-art modern hospital and sold to selfish
homosexuals would never know his mother’s touch, be nourished by her milk,
or comforted by her scent.

Instead he’d be raised by genetically defective individuals, who if male
are likely to have intestinal parasites or sexually transmitted diseases
while being predisposed to paedophilia and abuse, and, of course, he was
never given a choice.

And we don’t know what the long term effects this might have on children,
as this sick experiment has never been done before, even at the lowest
points of human history.

It’s pure evil.

Anyone who would deprive a child of a natural upbringing to satisfy their
own desire to be a parent is evil.

The hospitals, doctors, nurses and midwives who help facilitate it are

The surrogate mothers who give their own children away to such people, an
unimaginable act in our culture within living memory, are evil.

The politicians who enable it are evil.

The journalists who defend it and normalise it are evil.

And evil must be recognised so it can be destroyed.

This is what is missing from the “book ban” debate
<https://archive.ph/CKfUb> – it’s not about censorship, it’s not about
keeping the books away from children, it’s not about respecting the
opinions of the multicultural residents, and it’s not about democracy.

It’s about good and evil.

And the response by politicians and the media, who want you to think it is
so normal for two men to raise a baby that public libraries should even be
allowed to have books about it in their children’s sections, tells you
everything you need to know about them.

They are trying to override your instincts and brainwash you into accepting
what you know in your heart is wrong.

Everyone knows deep inside that humans cannot change “genders” – biological
sex is one of the most basic of truths – but through unrelenting propaganda
they have managed to convince the well-meaning by malleable masses to lie
to themselves, and others, about it.

They are doing the same here with so-called same-sex parenting, which is
orders of magnitude worse, because the victims are innocent babies.

Our critics will say, “but what about adoption, isn’t is better for a child
in need to have ‘same-sex parents’ than no parents”. But this is a trick to
break down your defences and get you to move towards their position.

It is also evil to place an orphan in a homosexual household, although not
to the same degree as via surrogacy, because you are similarly robbing a
minor, who by definition cannot consent, of the right to grow up with a
mother and a father.

But the wicked and twisted people pushing all of this on us can only get
away with it if we allow them to. If we stay silent, or if we allow
ourselves to get distracted by side debates and sucked into using their

This great evil must be called out what it is, it must be stamped out, and
everyone involved must be put on trial for crimes against children and


Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-21 22:19:23 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Imagine you are watching a nature documentary, marvelling at the miracle
of birth, when suddenly the newborn animal is taken from its mother and
given to males of the species to raise.
Actually, homosexuality is very common in the animal kingdom. Ask any
farmer about lesbian cows.

Also, some animals change sex at different points in their life cycle.
Sometimes the trigger can be something as simple as a temperature change.

And finally, there is always the question to be asked of those who
expresst hatred of non-straights: do they secretly suffer from suppressed
non-straight tendencies themselves?
Ördög, the Newsgroup Devil
2024-05-21 23:38:31 UTC
D. Ray

I definitely won't! Maintaining my sanity is a lot more important for that.
This particular culture war propagandist troll (whom I have already
plonked him in aus.pol) is indiscriminately dumping septic trash MAGA
style verbal vomits into random Anglophone newsgroups manufactured by
his favourite Fox News drop out rightard pretend journalists financed by
your usual suspect billionaire donors.
Actually, homosexuality is very common in the animal kingdom. Ask any
farmer about lesbian cows.
Correct. And not just "homosexuality".
Animals which are unencumbered by religious fundamentalist Puritanism
and ultra conservative bigotry have a completely different attitude
towards sex and reproduction. Humans on the other hand are full of
confused notions waging endless wars against their own sexual instincts
and feelings throughout human history. No matter how far our scientific
understanding has advanced over the past two centuries, no matter that
in the 1960s there was a sort of botched sexual revolution in Western
societies by now we have reverted back into not only maintaining those
ridiculously outdated taboos of old, but are now readily creating even
more of the same. At the heart of all of this psychological poison
you'll find the mental depravity emanating from the loony religious
right of the US bible-belt which is now poisoning the whole planet.

And if one hoped that our science still could bring eventually the human
race back to reality than think again!
The political/religious right spreads science
misinformation/misrepresentation with the help of those religious
"universities" they own and operate and their so called science
"experts" in their employ.
And as their last resort to fall back on, there is always that outright
real-science denialism!

So all our modern understanding of biology, genetics,reproductive health
and how the human brain actually functions is out the door when it comes
to waging these reinvigorated stone age culture wars.
Also, some animals change sex at different points in their life cycle.
Sometimes the trigger can be something as simple as a temperature change.
And finally, there is always the question to be asked of those who
expresst hatred of non-straights: do they secretly suffer from suppressed
non-straight tendencies themselves?
These rightard culture warriors across politics, education, the
mainstream and social media landscape are the scourge of humanity. It is
pointless trying to understand their motivation. All we can do is
keeping them away from the seats of power or else we end up in a
completely depraved fundamentalist dystopia.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-21 23:48:27 UTC
... the mental depravity emanating from the loony religious
right of the US bible-belt ...
No surprising, really, given the amount of mental (including sexual)
depravity depicted in their own religious texts. It seems to be OK when
the figures they revere commit those acts!
D. Ray
2024-05-25 04:55:45 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
... the mental depravity emanating from the loony religious
right of the US bible-belt ...
No surprising, really, given the amount of mental (including sexual)
depravity depicted in their own religious texts.
Jewish religious texts, you mean? I didn’t know you’re such an antisemite.
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
It seems to be OK when
the figures they revere commit those acts!
I don’t remember Jesus and his disciples committing any of “those acts.”
D. Ray
2024-05-25 04:45:03 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D. Ray
Imagine you are watching a nature documentary, marvelling at the miracle
of birth, when suddenly the newborn animal is taken from its mother and
given to males of the species to raise.
Actually, homosexuality is very common in the animal kingdom.
Just like cannibalism, incest, and a lot of other things.
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Also, some animals change sex at different points in their life cycle.
Yes, those who “change sex” are just like worms. Good comparison.
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
And finally, there is always the question to be asked of those who
expresst hatred of non-straights: do they secretly suffer from suppressed
non-straight tendencies themselves?
If you are repulsed by the sight of an act of coprophagia, is that because
you secretly crave to eat a steaming pile of human shit? If you are
disgusted by the idea of pedophilia, is that because you’re really into

Fuck you. People who are disgusted by sodomites are normal, without any
“suppressed tendencies”.