(too old to reply)
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-08-20 12:00:49 UTC
| On Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris gave her first big
| economic policy speech as the Democratic presidential
| nominee. It was, of course, very different from the
| "economic" speech and news conferences Donald Trump has
| held in the past couple of weeks.
| For one thing, Harris actually outlined her economic
| proposals, rather than veering off onto topics like who has
| the biggest crowds and how windmills are killing birds. For
| another, she doesn't seem to have said anything
| demonstrably untrue -- a sharp contrast with Trump, who
| lied or distorted the facts about twice per minute during
| an event at Mar-a-Lago.
| ...

Governor Swill
2024-08-20 15:16:50 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| For one thing, Harris actually outlined her economic
| proposals, rather than veering off onto topics like who has
| the biggest crowds and how windmills are killing birds. For
| another, she doesn't seem to have said anything
| demonstrably untrue
That's going to cost her the election.

