Musk : Kiss Yer Jobs Goodbye - AI Will Absorb Almost Everything
(too old to reply)
2024-05-24 02:28:28 UTC

Elon Musk made a terrifying prediction about artificial
intelligence and warned parents about how the technology
is harming children.

Musk, 52, spoke at a tech conference on Thursday about the
future of AI, and cautioned the audience that it will take
over most of their jobs.

Speaking remotely via webcam at VivaTech 2024 in Paris,
the Tesla CEO said 'probably none of us will have a job'
when discussing how AI will develop and grow.

'If you want to do a job that's kinda like a hobby, you
can do a job,' Musk said. 'But otherwise, AI and the
robots will provide any goods and services that you want.'

Musk explained that, for this scenario to work, there
has to be 'universal high income'.

. . .

But there WON'T be "high universal income", not
at all. Obsolete humans will be DUMPED onto the
'welfare' systems - which won't have the $$$ to
support them. Raise biz taxes ? Nope - they have
too many lobbyists/lawyers. Block "AI" ? Nope.
Same reasons.

So, for most, remember what the old Soviet
satellite countries used to look like - long
rows of grey apt blocks with tiny rooms and
leaking everything - one shitter at the end
of the hall. You spend all day standing in
line for your packet of Soylent Green.

Then there won't even be money for that.

On current trajectory there will be maybe 250,000
"elite" and some servant/slaves - AND NOBODY ELSE.
This is not a far-future thing. Both capitalist
and socialist imperatives drive this equation.
2024-05-24 14:52:20 UTC
Post by 62hx.1708
Elon Musk made a terrifying prediction about artificial
intelligence and warned parents about how the technology
is harming children.
Musk, 52, spoke at a tech conference on Thursday about the
future of AI, and cautioned the audience that it will take
over most of their jobs.
Speaking remotely via webcam at VivaTech 2024 in Paris,
the Tesla CEO said 'probably none of us will have a job'
when discussing how AI will develop and grow.
'If you want to do a job that's kinda like a hobby, you
can do a job,' Musk said. 'But otherwise, AI and the
robots will provide any goods and services that you want.'
Musk explained that, for this scenario to work, there
has to be 'universal high income'.
. . .
But there WON'T be "high universal income", not
at all. Obsolete humans will be DUMPED onto the
'welfare' systems - which won't have the $$$ to
support them. Raise biz taxes ? Nope - they have
too many lobbyists/lawyers. Block "AI" ? Nope.
Same reasons.
So, for most, remember what the old Soviet
satellite countries used to look like - long
rows of grey apt blocks with tiny rooms and
leaking everything - one shitter at the end
of the hall. You spend all day standing in
line for your packet of Soylent Green.
Then there won't even be money for that.
On current trajectory there will be maybe 250,000
"elite" and some servant/slaves - AND NOBODY ELSE.
This is not a far-future thing. Both capitalist
and socialist imperatives drive this equation.
Interesting theory.
AI is already taking jobs and when coupled with robotics will eventually continue to take over
larger segments of the market.
Joe Biden is the absolute WORST President Of the U.S. ever.
Nobody else is even close. Including Jimmy Carter.
Vote for ANYBODY but Joe Biden in 2024.
2024-05-25 00:37:52 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by 62hx.1708
Elon Musk made a terrifying prediction about artificial
intelligence and warned parents about how the technology
is harming children.
Musk, 52, spoke at a tech conference on Thursday about the
future of AI, and cautioned the audience that it will take
over most of their jobs.
Speaking remotely via webcam at VivaTech 2024 in Paris,
the Tesla CEO said 'probably none of us will have a job'
when discussing how AI will develop and grow.
'If you want to do a job that's kinda like a hobby, you
can do a job,' Musk said. 'But otherwise, AI and the
robots will provide any goods and services that you want.'
Musk explained that, for this scenario to work, there
has to be 'universal high income'.
. . .
But there WON'T be "high universal income", not
at all. Obsolete humans will be DUMPED onto the
'welfare' systems - which won't have the $$$ to
support them. Raise biz taxes ? Nope - they have
too many lobbyists/lawyers. Block "AI" ? Nope.
Same reasons.
So, for most, remember what the old Soviet
satellite countries used to look like - long
rows of grey apt blocks with tiny rooms and
leaking everything - one shitter at the end
of the hall. You spend all day standing in
line for your packet of Soylent Green.
Then there won't even be money for that.
On current trajectory there will be maybe 250,000
"elite" and some servant/slaves - AND NOBODY ELSE.
This is not a far-future thing. Both capitalist
and socialist imperatives drive this equation.
Interesting theory.
AI is already taking jobs and when coupled with robotics will eventually continue to take over
larger segments of the market.
The "AI" is already adequate to take MANY jobs.
Robo-Tech has been a bit behind the curve, though
it's worth checking the Boston Dynamics site.
The main issue is that we can't cram a whole "AI"
into an autonomous bot - be it an R2D2 or android.

However ... 6G comms are on the verge of commercial
apps. This is 1000 or more times faster than 5G.
It's also fast enough to link more 'central' AI
centers to large volumes of bots. The individual bots
only need a little Artificial Stupidity ... the real
brains will be in some midwest bunkers.

Saw a tech article about a month ago about a new 6G
trick that lets the signal essentially route around

This all IS coming - fast. Note NVidia stock prices
the past month, they're selling their new AI chips
by the shiploads. Saw another vid of Chat being
given (part of) and android body and asked to do
some ordinary tasks (and explain why it did so
that way). Very impressive, and super-scary.

What is NOT coming fast - indeed I barely hear any
discussion - is what to do with all the obsolete
humans. It will be a huge, relatively instant, issue
and there's no framework or plan or funds. Sorry,
but they're not gonna get by on weaving baskets and
hippie beads.
Borax Man
2024-05-25 01:15:59 UTC
["Followup-To:" header set to talk.politics.misc.]
Post by 62hx.1708
Post by pothead
Post by 62hx.1708
Elon Musk made a terrifying prediction about artificial
intelligence and warned parents about how the technology
is harming children.
Musk, 52, spoke at a tech conference on Thursday about the
future of AI, and cautioned the audience that it will take
over most of their jobs.
Speaking remotely via webcam at VivaTech 2024 in Paris,
the Tesla CEO said 'probably none of us will have a job'
when discussing how AI will develop and grow.
'If you want to do a job that's kinda like a hobby, you
can do a job,' Musk said. 'But otherwise, AI and the
robots will provide any goods and services that you want.'
Musk explained that, for this scenario to work, there
has to be 'universal high income'.
. . .
But there WON'T be "high universal income", not
at all. Obsolete humans will be DUMPED onto the
'welfare' systems - which won't have the $$$ to
support them. Raise biz taxes ? Nope - they have
too many lobbyists/lawyers. Block "AI" ? Nope.
Same reasons.
So, for most, remember what the old Soviet
satellite countries used to look like - long
rows of grey apt blocks with tiny rooms and
leaking everything - one shitter at the end
of the hall. You spend all day standing in
line for your packet of Soylent Green.
Then there won't even be money for that.
On current trajectory there will be maybe 250,000
"elite" and some servant/slaves - AND NOBODY ELSE.
This is not a far-future thing. Both capitalist
and socialist imperatives drive this equation.
Interesting theory.
AI is already taking jobs and when coupled with robotics will eventually continue to take over
larger segments of the market.
The "AI" is already adequate to take MANY jobs.
Robo-Tech has been a bit behind the curve, though
it's worth checking the Boston Dynamics site.
The main issue is that we can't cram a whole "AI"
into an autonomous bot - be it an R2D2 or android.
However ... 6G comms are on the verge of commercial
apps. This is 1000 or more times faster than 5G.
It's also fast enough to link more 'central' AI
centers to large volumes of bots. The individual bots
only need a little Artificial Stupidity ... the real
brains will be in some midwest bunkers.
Saw a tech article about a month ago about a new 6G
trick that lets the signal essentially route around
This all IS coming - fast. Note NVidia stock prices
the past month, they're selling their new AI chips
by the shiploads. Saw another vid of Chat being
given (part of) and android body and asked to do
some ordinary tasks (and explain why it did so
that way). Very impressive, and super-scary.
What is NOT coming fast - indeed I barely hear any
discussion - is what to do with all the obsolete
humans. It will be a huge, relatively instant, issue
and there's no framework or plan or funds. Sorry,
but they're not gonna get by on weaving baskets and
hippie beads.
It isn't humans that are obsolete, it is Capitalism. This idea that
humans are "obsolete" doesn't make sense. How can we be obsolete?
Obsolete to what?

Therein lies the answer. We are seen as merely tools for a machine, a
way for Capital to make more Capital, and we are obsolete TO THEM.
Not obsolete, only obsolete TO THEM. So those arguing that we are
obsolete, who are firing us, putting us on the scrap heap, they are
the problem, the real issue underlying all of this.

In a way, I'm kind of glad this is happening because it will force a
revolution of sorts, hopefully, where people finally realise the
con-job that the current economic system is and push towards something
more socialist.
