More "Honor Killings" - Netherlands Fundy Father Kills Daughter For Becoming "Westernized"
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2024-06-07 01:27:11 UTC

A Syrian refugee who fled to the Netherlands has reportedly
confessed to murdering his 18-year-old daughter and dumping
her body in a canal before fleeing the country in an apparent
admission note sent to a Dutch newspaper.

Father-of-nine Khaled al-Najjar, 52, wrote in an email sent
to De Telegraaf that he had killed his 18-year-old daughter
Ryan al-Najjar, urging the publication to report 'I am the
one who killed'.

The confession did not specify exactly why he had decided to
murder his daughter, with al-Najjar writing only that he was
'very angry with her', adding: 'The reason is between me
and the judge. I will read that in court'.

But neighbours and friends suspect Ryan's death came as the
result of an honour killing, with one claiming they had
previously sheltered her when she had fled the family
home in fear of retribution from her father.

Requesting anonymity to prevent any backlash, they told
De Telegraaf that Ryan had a Dutch boyfriend, wanted to
stop wearing a headscarf and had been beaten by her
father who disagreed with her adoption of a Western

. . .

Same old story. Many 'immigrants' do NOT 'assimilate',
indeed tend to become MORE extreme.

HOW many did Obama and Biden invite into the USA ???

In theory, being 18, the daughter COULD have fled the
area, maybe even the country, to stay away from her
father. However "family ties" can be STRONG and there
are 8 other kids who might be afflicted by his rage.

Islam, in its present form, is NOT a tolerant religion.
You're either 100% with them, or 100% against them. Not
all Moslems feel this way - but there's always that
extreme five percent who run riot over everyone else.
It's rather like with Hamas right now, even if the pop
hates being their human shields there's nothing they
can do about it.

Don't feel so superior ... Christianity was a lot like
that until only a few hundred years ago. The violence
and oppression done "In The Name Of Jesus" was
widespread, tolerated, and sometimes quite extreme.
By all reports, "missionaries", esp in eastern India,
carry on that tradition.
2024-06-08 00:44:03 UTC
Funny thing. Nicolas Tesla was going to give free-energy and
communications to the world. Benjamin Franklin did not like that
because he actually believed it would work and put his coal-mines out
of business. Nicolas Tesla died living in a NYC Hotel room, feeding
popcorn to pigeons. Meanwhile Benjamin was playing pre-rap-label-owner
by taking pictures of black children eating watermelon.... calling it
"culture creating"
Ummmmm ... Benjamin Franklin and Nicola Tesla were
not even remotely contemporary. Franklin died in
1790 and Tesla was born in 1856. There were no
photographs in 1790, ergo Ben could not have been
taking them of watermelon-eating 'black' kids.

Tesla's main opponents were those who owned large
existing electric grids. Thing is, his plan to
"broadcast" electricity would not have worked -
indeed would have been a total disaster with every
bit of metal and wire throwing off sparks, setting
entire cities on fire. Not sure what such strong
100khz RF fields would have done to the nervous
system longer-term either ....
2024-06-13 03:38:48 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
A Syrian refugee who fled to the Netherlands has reportedly confessed to
murdering his 18-year-old daughter and dumping her body in a canal before
fleeing the country in an apparent admission note sent to a Dutch
Remember the TV series "Breaking Amish"?

Imagine one entitled "Breaking Islam."
Hell, it would end in an "honor killing"
before the wrap-up of the first episode...
Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells
2024-06-13 15:48:43 UTC
Post by Byker
Post by 26xh.0717
A Syrian refugee who fled to the Netherlands has reportedly confessed to
murdering his 18-year-old daughter and dumping her body in a canal before
fleeing the country in an apparent admission note sent to a Dutch
Remember the TV series "Breaking Amish"?
Imagine one entitled "Breaking Islam."
Hell, it would end in an "honor killing"
before the wrap-up of the first episode...
Better still, imagine one entitled "Breaking jewdism". These
subpeople have learned all the wrong lessons from WWII.

- -

Wonderfully hungry? Check out this morbidly obese
Asiatic slug:

Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.
