NYT: Trump 'Strikingly Softened' His Tone On Immigration in Private Meeting With Top C.E.O.s
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D. Ray
2024-06-19 17:45:38 UTC
🇺🇸 Former President Donald Trump "strikingly softened his language about
immigration" during a private meeting with "a group of America's most
powerful chief executives" in Washington last week, according to the New
York Times.


Mitchell Holman
2024-06-19 17:53:12 UTC
🇺🇞 Former President Donald Trump "strikingly softened his
language about immigration" during a private meeting with "a group of
America's most powerful chief executives" in Washington last week,
according to the New York Times.
Translation: "We depend on these illegals
for cheap labor, we don't want you deporting
them all"
D. Ray
2024-06-22 23:48:17 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by D. Ray
🇺🇸 Former President Donald Trump "strikingly softened his
language about immigration" during a private meeting with "a group of
America's most powerful chief executives" in Washington last week,
according to the New York Times.
Translation: "We depend on these illegals
for cheap labor, we don't want you deporting
them all"
Sure, let’s destroy a nation to fill pockets of billionaire Jews.
Lucas McCain
2024-06-20 04:06:41 UTC
Post by D. Ray
🇺🇸 Former President Donald Trump "strikingly softened his language about
immigration" during a private meeting with "a group of America's most
powerful chief executives" in Washington last week, according to the New
York Times.
If true, the man is unelectable. Like Milei of Argentina, Le Pen of
France, and Sunak in Britain, these so-called conservatives say one
thing to get elected and to the opposite when in office. We can't vote
our way out of the Great Replacement. That said, I don't trust the New
York Times and wouldn't put it past them to do a hit piece on Donald
Trump so we could have 4 more years of open borders and goading Russia
into a thermonuclear holocaust as a "final solution" to the white
You voted for student loan forgiveness. You got demographic replacement
and World War 3.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“Western values mean three things: migration, LGBTQ, and war." Viktor Orban

Nothing is built, back, or better under Resident Brandon.

D. Ray
2024-06-23 00:18:03 UTC
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by D. Ray
🇺🇸 Former President Donald Trump "strikingly softened his language about
immigration" during a private meeting with "a group of America's most
powerful chief executives" in Washington last week, according to the New
York Times.
If true, the man is unelectable. Like Milei of Argentina, Le Pen of
France, and Sunak in Britain, these so-called conservatives say one
thing to get elected and to the opposite when in office. We can't vote
our way out of the Great Replacement. That said, I don't trust the New
York Times and wouldn't put it past them to do a hit piece on Donald
Trump so we could have 4 more years of open borders and goading Russia
into a thermonuclear holocaust as a "final solution" to the white
Unfortunately, with Trump we most likely will get full-blown war with Iran
on behalf of Israel because that’s what his Jewish donors want, and while
Biden’s conflicts are extremely unpopular even among Democrats, Trump might
be able to mobilize and send to die whatever is left of patriotic
Americans, using Bible, good old Stars and Stripes, and right rhetoric.

As to immigration, I personally do not believe that he wants to stop it or
even decrease it. He already proposed ridiculous plans such as giving green
card to everyone who graduated from US colleges:


So, “legal” immigration will increase dramatically, while there are no
signs that he actually will do anything with “illegal” immigration this
time. Last time he was forced to do something about it because of COVID, if
not for that, immigration numbers under him would be far worse than under
Obama. They would still be better than under Biden, but it seems that
they’re just getting worse over time regardless of who is in office.
Presidents change, policy stays.

Thus there’s really no difference who you vote for, you’ll still get war
and Jose with Jamal gang-raping children on your street. It might even be
worse under Trump, because a lot of White people will see his presidency as
some kind of win, even though their situation in this country in 2016-2020
only got worse.
Borax Man
2024-06-23 03:50:52 UTC
["Followup-To:" header set to talk.politics.misc.]
Post by D. Ray
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by D. Ray
🇺🇸 Former President Donald Trump "strikingly softened his language about
immigration" during a private meeting with "a group of America's most
powerful chief executives" in Washington last week, according to the New
York Times.
If true, the man is unelectable. Like Milei of Argentina, Le Pen of
France, and Sunak in Britain, these so-called conservatives say one
thing to get elected and to the opposite when in office. We can't vote
our way out of the Great Replacement. That said, I don't trust the New
York Times and wouldn't put it past them to do a hit piece on Donald
Trump so we could have 4 more years of open borders and goading Russia
into a thermonuclear holocaust as a "final solution" to the white
Unfortunately, with Trump we most likely will get full-blown war with Iran
on behalf of Israel because that’s what his Jewish donors want, and while
Biden’s conflicts are extremely unpopular even among Democrats, Trump might
be able to mobilize and send to die whatever is left of patriotic
Americans, using Bible, good old Stars and Stripes, and right rhetoric.
As to immigration, I personally do not believe that he wants to stop it or
even decrease it. He already proposed ridiculous plans such as giving green
So, “legal” immigration will increase dramatically, while there are no
signs that he actually will do anything with “illegal” immigration this
time. Last time he was forced to do something about it because of COVID, if
not for that, immigration numbers under him would be far worse than under
Obama. They would still be better than under Biden, but it seems that
they’re just getting worse over time regardless of who is in office.
Presidents change, policy stays.
Thus there’s really no difference who you vote for, you’ll still get war
and Jose with Jamal gang-raping children on your street. It might even be
worse under Trump, because a lot of White people will see his presidency as
some kind of win, even though their situation in this country in 2016-2020
only got worse.
Trump is just another billionaire grifter. I mean, the man made his
money in real estate, these aren't virtuous people. Billionaire wealth
seekers are not going to save us.
D. Ray
2024-06-24 00:06:36 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by D. Ray
🇺🇸 Former President Donald Trump "strikingly softened his language about
immigration" during a private meeting with "a group of America's most
powerful chief executives" in Washington last week, according to the New
York Times.
If true, the man is unelectable. Like Milei of Argentina, Le Pen of
France, and Sunak in Britain, these so-called conservatives say one
thing to get elected and to the opposite when in office. We can't vote
our way out of the Great Replacement. That said, I don't trust the New
York Times and wouldn't put it past them to do a hit piece on Donald
Trump so we could have 4 more years of open borders and goading Russia
into a thermonuclear holocaust as a "final solution" to the white
Unfortunately, with Trump we most likely will get full-blown war with Iran
on behalf of Israel because that’s what his Jewish donors want
Jews are talking about it openly in their publications:

“Trump Is Desperate for Miriam Adelson's Cash. Her Condition: West Bank



“The former president and convicted felon is holding a fire sale on future
presidential authority. Miriam Adelson wants to be his biggest donor, but
in return she wants Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank”

“The New York Times broke the story that in 2016, after Trump won the
Republican primary but was left without donors to face Hillary Clinton,
Adelson offered him a deal: $20 million in exchange for moving the U.S.
Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This was the beginning of a
fruitful and rewarding relationship for both men. All in all, Adelson
heaped over $90 million on Trump, the embassy moved to Jerusalem (against
the advice of Trump's aides), and Adelson became Trump's most influential

For $20 millions (effectively, a bribe) Trump moved U.S. Embassy to
Jerusalem which led to Oct 7 attack and current war since it destroyed any
chance of “two state solution”. I wonder for how many millions he’ll send
US soldiers to die in Middle East for Jewish interests.

Also note that there never was any Hamas in West Bank. So they effectively
admitted that the war is not against Hamas. They just want the land, and
we’re going to get it for them, and Trump will be paid for it.
