Post by Dennis MPost by Jim AlderOnly a leftwing asshole would take pride in a hatemongering prick like the
one with the camera.
How much pride do you have in the hatemongering pricks at the teabagger
ALDERLOON Is the poster child hypocrisy around here
His whining about every kind of aberrant behavior he abhorrs in
political enemies---he manifests 10x worse himself---and never sees
Always says: "but you did it first"
He forgets that the McCarthy era (conservative republican), the Nixon
Era, the lying perjuring of Reagan, the massive $167 million smear
campaign against Clinton, the sham impeachment fiasco, and the lying
of Bush that's killed thousands---were ALL instigatged FIRST by his
fellow conservatives
But he just stamps his foot and says---"did not, did not, did not"
Post by Dennis M=============================================================================
Citing Jim Alder for his amazing Usenet Intellect:
"Oh, would you go fuck yourself?
Jim Alder, Nov 20, 2007
"You fucking cowardly cocksucker"
Jim Alder, July 25, 2007
"Fuck you and the whore you rode in on."
Sept 11, 2007
"Fuck off and die, hatemongering asshole."
Jim Alder, Mar 28, 2007
Everyone has trouble getting an intelligent discourse going
with you, nincompoop. Now fuck off."
Jim Alder, Sept 3, 2007
"Shut the fuck up, you imterminably yammering hatemongering
sack of flaming dog shit!"
Jim Alder, May 11, 2007
"What at fucking simpleassed disease you bigots are. Fuck you."
Jim Alder, June 3, 2007
"What the fuck is wrong with you, you disgusting subhuman garbage?"
Jim Alder, May 1, 2007
"You slimy little chickenshit punk."
Jim Alder, Apr 7, 2004
"You clueless punk"
Jim Alder, Feb 29, 2004
"Is this one of yours, anonymous punk?"
Jim Alder, Feb 9, 2004
"What a lying punk you are"
Jim Alder, Jan 7, 2003
"Show us all what a cowardly punk you really are"
Jim Alder, Jan 21, 2004
"Percentage of what, punk"?
Jim Alder, Dec 3, 2002
"You punk-ass dickhead of a troll"
Jim Alder, Mar 30, 2004
"He's just a sub-teen punk"
Jim Alder, Feb 6, 2004
"Fuck off, punk".
Jim Alder, Jan 12, 2004
"You may not be a chronological adolescent,
but you're still a punk.
Jim Alder, Nov 17, 2003
"Let's put it back so others can see what a punk you are"
Jim Alder, Aug 28, 2003
"You hatemongering punk liar"
Jim Alder, Sep 27, 2003
Post by Dennis M=======================================================================
"Oh, fuck off, you little punk".
Jim Alder, Sep 26, 2003
"Blow me, punk."
Jim Alder, Jun 18, 2003
"I don't need to define "punk" for you too, do I, punk?"
Jim Alder, Mar 30, 2004