Geez ! Little Pols Pretending To Be BIG Pols - CLIMATE Fine for Russia ?
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2024-06-13 07:17:41 UTC

. . .

Oh, just shut the fuck UP ! Tiny little fanatics
pretending they're Big Dogs.

Russia is NOT gonna pay, EVER. It'll nuke you
before it pays a single copper. That'll create
a lot of CO2 ........
R Kym Horsell
2024-06-13 09:54:08 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
. . .
Oh, just shut the fuck UP ! Tiny little fanatics
pretending they're Big Dogs.
Russia is NOT gonna pay, EVER. It'll nuke you
before it pays a single copper. That'll create
a lot of CO2 ........
You never noticed they seize your assets when you
dont pay your fines?

Here are the superyachts seized from Russian oligarchs - NBC News
www.nbcnews.com # politics # politics-news # are-superyachts-seized-russi...
5 May 2022 · As part of an international pressure campaign on Russia, authorities from around the world have seized more than a half-dozen superyachts ...
$300 Million Yacht of Sanctioned Russian Oligarch Suleiman ...
www.justice.gov # opa # 300-million-yacht-sanctioned-russian-oligarch-sul...
5 May 2022 · Fijian law enforcement executed a seizure warrant freezing the Motor Yacht Amadea (the Amadea), a 348-foot luxury vessel owned by sanctioned ...
Inside The 150 Frozen Homes, Yachts And Jets Of Sanctioned ...
www.forbes.com # Billionaires
14 Apr 2023 · Western countries have frozen or seized at least $9 billion worth of luxury real estate, superyachts and private jets belonging to Russian ...
Here's what happens to Russian oligarch yachts after they're seized
www.cnbc.com # 2022/03/09 # russian-oligarch-yachts-this-is-what-happe...
9 Mar 2022 · To actually seize and take ownership of an oligarch's yacht or villa, government prosecutors have to prove the property was part of a crime.
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled
individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their
ability much higher than average. This bias is attributed to a
metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their mistakes.
2024-06-13 20:31:07 UTC
Post by R Kym Horsell
Post by 26xh.0717
. . .
Oh, just shut the fuck UP ! Tiny little fanatics
pretending they're Big Dogs.
Russia is NOT gonna pay, EVER. It'll nuke you
before it pays a single copper. That'll create
a lot of CO2 ........
You never noticed they seize your assets when you
dont pay your fines?
They already seized Russian assets a couple
of years ago - prob gonna give 'em to Ukraine.
In short, that money is GONE ALREADY so there's
no leverage anymore.

Meanwhile Russia has built up a whole new
fiscal circle.
