Russian Madness - Old Plans For Human/Chimp Hybrids as "Super Soldiers"
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2024-06-09 04:04:57 UTC

Russia's bid to create an army of 'Humanzee' human-ape hybrid
'super soldiers': Scientist tried to recruit African women
to be impregnated by chimpanzees as part of crazed bid to
raise deadly chimeras

Soviet scientist travelled world in hopes of creating human-ape

. . .

OK ... this was all in the early 1900s .....

But it DOES show the military mentality. Very
likely - almost surely in China - the desire
to create "super-soldiers" is still alive.

Modern sci/tech is much more likely to produce
such results than the 'interbreeding' notions
of 100 years ago.

There probably IS a slim chance of 'interbreeding'
between humans and chimps. The genetics are not
quite right, but maybe "close enough" to produce
a few examples. However I doubt they'd be smarter
than the average human. What we call "humans" are
actually hybrid products ... prototype homo sapiens
plus Neanderthal/Denisovian plus maybe some H.Erectus,
esp in the far east. The results were just fine, but
there was VERY little genetic diff between those
sub-species in the first place. Chimps are much
more distant.

Neanderthal genes comprise 0.5 to 2.5 percent of
all "white" euro people. Denisovian genese can
be found in Tibet and eastern China and even out
into Pacific islands. No Erectus DNA to find so
far (they liked climates BAD for preserving DNA)
and as such we can't tell about their contribution.
So, "the past" IS still with us. No such thing as
"human" really, except as a statistical equation.
Face it, humans will hump about *anything*, and DID.

Some leaks from China DO suggest they're still keen
on 'super-soldiers' - and do NOT care about the fate
of their failures. They ARE getting quite adept at
genetic mods - note my recent post on a genetic
cure for congenital deafness. That's VERY high-
precision work. What "super" means ... hard to
say ... might be purely physical, esp high endurance
and high pain threshold. They'd LIKE slaves ... but
that would be much more complicated.

ANYWAY, intermixing with CHIMPS is probably a useless
direction. They ARE strong and aggressive, but ....

Now BONOBOS brought up closer to human IQ ... THEY
might be interesting. We've kind of identified the
genes responsible for larger brains. There have also
been some (evil?) plans to revive the Neanderthals.
We DO have enough DNA now.

As for "super-soldiers" - now TECH SOLUTIONS will
produce those ... advanced drones/androids ...
Jan Panteltje
2024-06-09 06:01:35 UTC
On a sunny day (Sun, 9 Jun 2024 00:04:57 -0400) it happened "26xh.0717"
Post by 26xh.0717
Russia's bid to create an army of 'Humanzee' human-ape hybrid
'super soldiers': Scientist tried to recruit African women
to be impregnated by chimpanzees as part of crazed bid to
raise deadly chimeras
Soviet scientist travelled world in hopes of creating human-ape
. . .
OK ... this was all in the early 1900s .....
But it DOES show the military mentality. Very
likely - almost surely in China - the desire
to create "super-soldiers" is still alive.
Modern sci/tech is much more likely to produce
such results than the 'interbreeding' notions
of 100 years ago.
There probably IS a slim chance of 'interbreeding'
between humans and chimps. The genetics are not
quite right, but maybe "close enough" to produce
a few examples. However I doubt they'd be smarter
than the average human. What we call "humans" are
actually hybrid products ... prototype homo sapiens
plus Neanderthal/Denisovian plus maybe some H.Erectus,
esp in the far east. The results were just fine, but
there was VERY little genetic diff between those
sub-species in the first place. Chimps are much
more distant.
Neanderthal genes comprise 0.5 to 2.5 percent of
all "white" euro people. Denisovian genese can
be found in Tibet and eastern China and even out
into Pacific islands. No Erectus DNA to find so
far (they liked climates BAD for preserving DNA)
and as such we can't tell about their contribution.
So, "the past" IS still with us. No such thing as
"human" really, except as a statistical equation.
Face it, humans will hump about *anything*, and DID.
Some leaks from China DO suggest they're still keen
on 'super-soldiers' - and do NOT care about the fate
of their failures. They ARE getting quite adept at
genetic mods - note my recent post on a genetic
cure for congenital deafness. That's VERY high-
precision work. What "super" means ... hard to
say ... might be purely physical, esp high endurance
and high pain threshold. They'd LIKE slaves ... but
that would be much more complicated.
ANYWAY, intermixing with CHIMPS is probably a useless
direction. They ARE strong and aggressive, but ....
Now BONOBOS brought up closer to human IQ ... THEY
might be interesting. We've kind of identified the
genes responsible for larger brains. There have also
been some (evil?) plans to revive the Neanderthals.
We DO have enough DNA now.
As for "super-soldiers" - now TECH SOLUTIONS will
produce those ... advanced drones/androids ...
Few people notice that notanyahoo has a transplanted pig head and heart.
2024-06-09 10:28:26 UTC
Post by Jan Panteltje
Post by 26xh.0717
been some (evil?) plans to revive the Neanderthals.
We DO have enough DNA now.
As for "super-soldiers" - now TECH SOLUTIONS will
produce those ... advanced drones/androids ...
Few people notice that notanyahoo has a transplanted pig head and heart.
Sounds to me like robots/AI will give you more bang for your buck, than
any genetic experiments which will take 15+ years or more to come to
2024-06-10 08:18:55 UTC
Post by D
Post by Jan Panteltje
  been some (evil?) plans to revive the Neanderthals.
  We DO have enough DNA now.
  As for "super-soldiers" - now TECH SOLUTIONS will
  produce those ... advanced drones/androids ...
Few people notice that notanyahoo has a transplanted pig head and heart.
Sounds to me like robots/AI will give you more bang for your buck, than
any genetic experiments which will take 15+ years or more to come to
I think I mentioned that in the last para.

Yep, "terminators" of various ilks ARE the
new "super-soldiers" for the most part.

Chinese mil-"AI" is on par, sometimes better, than
the western competition.
2024-06-10 13:53:40 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Post by D
Post by Jan Panteltje
  been some (evil?) plans to revive the Neanderthals.
  We DO have enough DNA now.
  As for "super-soldiers" - now TECH SOLUTIONS will
  produce those ... advanced drones/androids ...
Few people notice that notanyahoo has a transplanted pig head and heart.
Sounds to me like robots/AI will give you more bang for your buck, than
any genetic experiments which will take 15+ years or more to come to
I think I mentioned that in the last para.
Yep, "terminators" of various ilks ARE the
new "super-soldiers" for the most part.
Chinese mil-"AI" is on par, sometimes better, than
the western competition.
I think perhaps trying to achieve super-intelligence might be a better
target for genetic experiments?

On the other hand... the smarter the subject, the more difficult to
control. Imagine the terror if a chinese super genius escaped to the west!
2024-06-11 01:18:47 UTC
Post by D
Post by D
Post by Jan Panteltje
  been some (evil?) plans to revive the Neanderthals.
  We DO have enough DNA now.
  As for "super-soldiers" - now TECH SOLUTIONS will
  produce those ... advanced drones/androids ...
Few people notice that notanyahoo has a transplanted pig head and heart.
Sounds to me like robots/AI will give you more bang for your buck, than
any genetic experiments which will take 15+ years or more to come to
 I think I mentioned that in the last para.
 Yep, "terminators" of various ilks ARE the
 new "super-soldiers" for the most part.
 Chinese mil-"AI" is on par, sometimes better, than
 the western competition.
I think perhaps trying to achieve super-intelligence might be a better
target for genetic experiments?
The Science is already getting too difficult for
humans. They are applying "AI" in some ways to
try to detect what mere humans cannot discern
but "being shown" stuff is not really the same
as figuring it out for yourself. But by the time
we get into stuff like string and M Theory, well,
I think that's about it - and we'll be standing
in the "get it" queue for eternity.

What "AI" reveals, can do, will essentially be
"magic", not science. We won't "get it".

So yea, ways to increase actual human IQ might be
very profitable ... but DO consider that brains
are both ultra-complex and finely-tuned. I'd
expect a LOT of disasters in the quest for just
20 extra IQ points. Easier perhaps to make "AI"
with an effective 500 IQ.
Post by D
On the other hand... the smarter the subject, the more difficult to
control. Imagine the terror if a chinese super genius escaped to the
west! ;)
Plenty of those already. The colleges won't take them
because they make everyone else look bad. :-)
2024-06-11 10:06:14 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Post by D
I think perhaps trying to achieve super-intelligence might be a better
target for genetic experiments?
The Science is already getting too difficult for
humans. They are applying "AI" in some ways to
try to detect what mere humans cannot discern
but "being shown" stuff is not really the same
as figuring it out for yourself. But by the time
we get into stuff like string and M Theory, well,
I think that's about it - and we'll be standing
in the "get it" queue for eternity.
What "AI" reveals, can do, will essentially be
"magic", not science. We won't "get it".
So yea, ways to increase actual human IQ might be
very profitable ... but DO consider that brains
are both ultra-complex and finely-tuned. I'd
expect a LOT of disasters in the quest for just
20 extra IQ points. Easier perhaps to make "AI"
with an effective 500 IQ.
Yes, as far as I know, there is no single gene for intelligence, but
it's an enormously complex "web". Add to that, the nurture part as well.
So if intelligence is a complex web of genes, there could also be side
effects if you try to engineer for them.
Post by 26xh.0717
Post by D
On the other hand... the smarter the subject, the more difficult to
control. Imagine the terror if a chinese super genius escaped to the west!
Plenty of those already. The colleges won't take them
because they make everyone else look bad. :-)
Haha, true. Yes, I know a chinese guy or two who decided to stay in
europe after moving within their company. On the other hand, I met
chinese who complained about the intense propaganda on TV in europe
talking about some student massacre that never took place according to
them. ;)
2024-06-11 19:56:51 UTC
Post by D
Yes, as far as I know, there is no single gene for intelligence, but
it's an enormously complex "web". Add to that, the nurture part as well.
So if intelligence is a complex web of genes, there could also be side
effects if you try to engineer for them.
True. Dysgenics is more predictable than eugenics.
2024-06-11 21:12:39 UTC
Post by rbowman
Post by D
Yes, as far as I know, there is no single gene for intelligence, but
it's an enormously complex "web". Add to that, the nurture part as well.
So if intelligence is a complex web of genes, there could also be side
effects if you try to engineer for them.
True. Dysgenics is more predictable than eugenics.
Seems to take VERY little imbalance, chemical
or in terms of neuro-development, to make humans
NUTS or otherwise very damaged. Brains work -
but just BARELY.

I've known a number of people in the IQ-170+ zone
and only ONE was what you'd call "normal" ...
all-around solid, just smarter than most. The rest
were more or less, in the USA the term is "a spaz",
too far into Aspergers/autism territory. Gifts in
one context were paired with deficits elsewhere.

Very Smart People just seem to be a fluke of nature,
one edge of natural variation, but there could be
dozens/hundreds of genetic/neurochem factors involved.
I suppose we could just CLONE the best ones ...
SOME rumors the Chinese are trying that approach.

Latter environment also plays a role ; pure chemistry
is only part of the equation. Einstein kinda got
part of his relativity theory because he rode on
public transport, could watch things get nearer
and further and THINK about it in terms of spacetime.

2024-06-09 06:50:44 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Post by 26xh.0717
Russia's bid to create an army of 'Humanzee' human-ape hybrid 'super
soldiers': Scientist tried to recruit African women to be impregnated by
chimpanzees as part of crazed bid to raise deadly chimeras
I thought Alex Jones and Infowars were in deep, deep shit. Isthe Daily
Mail taking up the slack?
2024-06-10 08:16:34 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Post by 26xh.0717
Post by 26xh.0717
Russia's bid to create an army of 'Humanzee' human-ape hybrid 'super
soldiers': Scientist tried to recruit African women to be impregnated by
chimpanzees as part of crazed bid to raise deadly chimeras
I thought Alex Jones and Infowars were in deep, deep shit. Isthe Daily
Mail taking up the slack?
Well, sometimes ..... but in this case it's
reporting a Historical Fact. Russia has a
history of being very interested in "psychic"
phenom and weird "breeding" schemes. It was
as dedicated to such bizzare shit as the NAZIs,
and early on too.
2024-06-10 17:36:41 UTC
Well, sometimes ..... but in this case it's reporting a Historical
Fact. Russia has a history of being very interested in "psychic"
phenom and weird "breeding" schemes. It was as dedicated to such
bizzare shit as the NAZIs,
and early on too.
Meanwhile the US seems to be trying to breed a better variety of sheep,
er, voters.
2024-06-11 01:19:48 UTC
Post by rbowman
Well, sometimes ..... but in this case it's reporting a Historical
Fact. Russia has a history of being very interested in "psychic"
phenom and weird "breeding" schemes. It was as dedicated to such
bizzare shit as the NAZIs,
and early on too.
Meanwhile the US seems to be trying to breed a better variety of sheep,
er, voters.
And it's doing very well ! :-)