Hamas Confessions - THIS Is What Norway/Spain/Ireland Support
(too old to reply)
2024-05-24 07:12:19 UTC

The father and son Hamas rapists - Terrorists describe going
house to house carrying out sex attacks and murder: 'One
screamed and cried... father raped her then I did then my
cousin did then father killed her'

. . .

Any country that supports these animals in any
way are The Enemy. Cut 'em out of the equation.

Oh, and all those Islamist "migrants" - dump
'em THERE ...
2024-05-25 00:14:16 UTC
Post by 62hx.1708
Post by 62hx.1708
The father and son Hamas rapists - Terrorists describe going
house to house carrying out sex attacks and murder: 'One
screamed and cried... father raped her then I did then my
cousin did then father killed her'
.. . .
Any country that supports these animals in any
way are The Enemy. Cut 'em out of the equation.
Oh, and all those Islamist "migrants" - dump
'em THERE ...
Lets be clear. If the police during Ramadan
did there job in Israel and they were not stealing peoples land
forcing the Palestinians out of apartments
Let's be clear, if "Palestinians" had not been
terrorizing/oppressing Jews for centuries there
would have been no need for an official, autonomous,
Israel in the first place. "Palestinians" were one
step short of the NAZI opinion of Jews - and the
instant attack on the new Israel demonstrated
similar sentiment in the surrounding countries.
Those attacks in various forms and intensity have
continued to this day.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-25 01:40:48 UTC
Let's be clear, if "Palestinians" had not been terrorizing/oppressing
Jews for centuries there would have been no need for an official,
autonomous, Israel in the first place.
It was Christians doing most of that oppression, over those centuries.
Remember the term “Christ killers”? Remember the genocide of Jerusalem at
the end of the First Crusade? Remember why “Crusade” is still a bad word
in the Middle East today?

And it is Christians firmly behind Israel today, no matter what abuses it
commits. Instead of acknowledging their guilt for what they did, and
simply learning to coexist with Jews as with anybody else, they have now
gone overboard in the opposite direction, by declaring that the Zionists
can do no wrong. And by assuming, nay, insisting, that all Jews must be
