Smartmatic May Collect $2,000,000,000 From Fox News
(too old to reply)
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-05-22 22:10:52 UTC
| Smartmatic may have an even stronger claim than Dominion
| did.
| Smartmatic alleges that Newsmax has destroyed evidence in
| the voting machine company's lawsuit against the right-wing
| news channel over false claims that Smartmatic helped "rig"
| the 2020 election, according to court documents made public
| this week.
| ...
| In a statement, Smartmatic attorney J. Erik Connolly said:
| "Newsmax's misconduct goes beyond falsely accusing
| Smartmatic of rigging the U.S. election; it also attempted
| to conceal evidence of its actions and failed to follow its
| own journalistic standards. Smartmatic's motion details
| numerous instances of evidence destruction, including
| incriminating emails and texts from Newsmax executives,
| indicating intentional spoliation."
| ...

2024-05-24 12:27:24 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Smartmatic may have an even stronger claim than Dominion
| did.
| Smartmatic alleges that Newsmax has destroyed evidence in
| the voting machine company's lawsuit against the right-wing
| news channel over false claims that Smartmatic helped "rig"
| the 2020 election, according to court documents made public
| this week.
| ...
| "Newsmax's misconduct goes beyond falsely accusing
| Smartmatic of rigging the U.S. election; it also attempted
| to conceal evidence of its actions and failed to follow its
| own journalistic standards. Smartmatic's motion details
| numerous instances of evidence destruction, including
| incriminating emails and texts from Newsmax executives,
| indicating intentional spoliation."
| ...
We're gonna own the libs! Yee Haa!
