Dem Leader Hakeem Jeffries Demands 'Immediate' Passage of ADL-Backed 'Countering Antisemitism Act'
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D. Ray
2024-06-15 16:14:53 UTC
🇺🇸🇮🇱 AIPAC-funded House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) on
Friday demanded Congress "immediately" pass the Anti-Defamation
League-backed "Countering Antisemitism Act" to silence criticism of Israel
and police Americans' online speech.

"The dangerous explosion of antisemitic incidents in New York City and the
nation requires decisive action at every level of government," Jeffries
said on X, without referencing any specific incident. "We have to crush
this cancer with the fierce urgency of now. Congress must pass the
bipartisan Countering Antisemitism Act. Immediately."

"This bill would create a new 'National Coordinator to Counter
Antisemitism' within the Executive Office of the President, to among other
things, 'counter the spread of antisemitism online' (ie, government-coerced
censorship) -- including to impose 'accountability for individuals,'"
journalist Michael Tracey noted on X.


D. Ray
2024-06-17 23:48:34 UTC
Post by D. Ray
🇺🇸🇮🇱 AIPAC-funded House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) on
Friday demanded Congress "immediately" pass the Anti-Defamation
League-backed "Countering Antisemitism Act" to silence criticism of Israel
and police Americans' online speech.
"The dangerous explosion of antisemitic incidents in New York City and the
nation requires decisive action at every level of government," Jeffries
said on X, without referencing any specific incident. "We have to crush
this cancer with the fierce urgency of now. Congress must pass the
bipartisan Countering Antisemitism Act. Immediately."
"This bill would create a new 'National Coordinator to Counter
Antisemitism' within the Executive Office of the President, to among other
things, 'counter the spread of antisemitism online' (ie, government-coerced
censorship) -- including to impose 'accountability for individuals,'"
journalist Michael Tracey noted on X.
