Post by b***|
| Key Findings
| o Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal,
| state, and local taxes in 2022. Most of that amount, $59.4
| billion, was paid to the federal government while the
| remaining $37.3 billion was paid to state and local
| governments.
| o Undocumented immigrants paid federal, state, and local
| taxes of $8,889 per person in 2022. In other words, for
| every 1 million undocumented immigrants who reside in the
| country, public services receive $8.9 billion in additional
| tax revenue.
| ...
Economic benefits of illegal immigration
outweigh the costs
May 18, 2020
The economic benefits of illegal immigration
are greater than the costs of the public
services utilized, according to an expert at
Rice Universitys Baker Institute for Public
Indeed, for every dollar the Texas state
government spends on public services for
undocumented immigrants, new research
indicates, the state collects $1.21 in
"Undocumented residents have a positive
influence and impact on the economy,
since they pay taxes and fees and
constitute an important part of the labor
market. Even if we consider the costs of
undocumented immigrants to the state of
Texas, the benefits outweigh the costs."
In 2018, the year on which the report
is based, Texas had "an estimated
1.6 million undocumented residents,
representing 5.7% of the total state
population," according to the paper.
Those residents support the economy by
working in industries such as
construction, agriculture, manufacturing
and services with an unemployment rate
of only 5.7% in the state, according to
the paper. They pay sales tax and
consumer taxes, such as on gasoline and
motor vehicle inspections.
In fiscal year 2018, Texas collected
$2.4 billion in state taxes from this
"Like any other Texan, undocumented
immigrants pay sales and excise taxes
when they buy goods and services," he
wrote. "They pay property taxes on
their owned or rented houses. Other
payments that undocumented immigrants
make to the state are related to fees
and fines, tuition and utilities."
The analysis found that illegal
immigration cost Texas a total of
$2 billion in 2018 through education,
health care and incarceration costs.
These include costs associated with
public schools, higher education,
substance abuse services, immunizations
and emergency health care.
Rodríguez-Sánchez also analyzed the
potential impact of deporting all such
residents from Texas. In this case,
deportation would represent a shock to
the Texan economy, he wrote.
"If all undocumented workers were
deported, Texas would lose more than
$41.9 billion in direct employment
compensation, defined as pretax salary
and wage earnings. The total lost would
be $70.3 billion, which represents a
reduction of 7.7% in state employment
compensation, he wrote. If even 20%
of this group were deported, the state
would lose approximately $8.4 billion
in direct employee compensation, and
the total impact would be $14 billion."
The report estimates that tax revenue
collected from such residents exceeded
what the state spent on them, resulting
in a net benefit of approximately
$420.9 million in fiscal year 2018.
"This means that for every dollar spent
on public services for undocumented
immigrants, they provide $1.21 in fiscal
revenue for the state of Texas,"
Rodriguez-Sanchez wrote.