OK, What's With The Global "Anti-Depressant" Addiction ???
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2024-06-04 05:15:48 UTC
Hey, MASS quantities of people are on this dope.
One in six or seven in many countries. Esp at
higher or combo dosages, once you're ON them
you'll never really get OFF them without suicide
or worse. They permanently alter brain chemistry.

They are HEAVILY marketed on every media. The
assumption is that humans are supposed to
be giddily happy and chipper and 'up' ALL
OF THE TIME, like people in TV shows.

Hey, even people in Denmark - where a gene
that produces effects kinda like low-dose
Prozac is common - consume vast quantities
of these meds.

May as well just sell everyone cheap crack
and meth ... easier to get off of.

Oh, for fun, recent reports say x-percent of
users go numb below the waist, FOREVER, if
you get my meaning.

In the 60s/70s, seemed like everyone was on
'Valium' or something similar. Note the old
Stones song, "Mother's Little Helper". Those
drugs were also seriously addictive with
longer-term use - and they marketed the
shit out of 'em. "Normal" was drugged-out
"mellow", comfortably numb .....

The usual Puritans get all freaked about "opiates",
probably because they think nice 'white' girls will
get buzzed and screw wicked darkies, but maybe that's
the LEAST of the public drug problem ?
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-04 06:21:23 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Hey, MASS quantities of people are on this dope.
Presumably you read about this in the so-called “Mainstream Media”?
2024-06-04 09:57:47 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Hey, MASS quantities of people are on this dope.
Presumably you read about this in the so-called “Mainstream Media”?
Lawrence only reads socialist media and arabian media, so no need to take
him seriously. ;)
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-06 02:15:56 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by 26xh.0717
Hey, MASS quantities of people are on this dope.
Presumably you read about this in the so-called “Mainstream Media”?
So where did you read about it?
2024-06-07 04:45:24 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by 26xh.0717
Hey, MASS quantities of people are on this dope.
Presumably you read about this in the so-called “Mainstream Media”?
Lawrence only reads socialist media and arabian media, so no need to
take him seriously. ;)
The consumption of these drugs, highly ENCOURAGED
consumption, is the real issue here - not what
-ists are involved.

SSRI's are quite addictive, very hard to get off
of successfully. Those who try tend to off themselves,
or a dozen other people AND themselves. Related agents
that affect norepinephrine production are even worse
and for most will be impossible to get off of.

The Public has been brainwashed for decades into
thinking it's supposed to be happy and chipper
and 'up' ALL OF THE TIME ... just like the people
in TV shows/commercials. If they ever admit to
a different reality their docs pour these pills
on them. The pill makers make untold billions,
maybe trillions at this point. If you were
told opiates were The Problem then you've been
badly mis-led. Those were a small fraction of
the profit-picture.

Oh, and trying to ban/restrict opiates just
led to the Fentanyl-and-worse situation ...
people just WENT AROUND the laws, in droves.

pyotr filipivich
2024-06-04 16:29:13 UTC
Post by 26xh.0717
Hey, MASS quantities of people are on this dope.
One in six or seven in many countries. Esp at
higher or combo dosages, once you're ON them
you'll never really get OFF them without suicide
or worse. They permanently alter brain chemistry.
They are HEAVILY marketed on every media. The
assumption is that humans are supposed to
be giddily happy and chipper and 'up' ALL
OF THE TIME, like people in TV shows.
And there you have it.

If you're not sparkly and chipper - the problem is you. And you
need to take a pill.
You're problems don't change or go away, but now you can groove on
pyotr filipivich
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